The Columbines remained silent, staring at the floor with their backs hunched forward. They didn't react, as if Kasim weren't speaking at all. 

Kasim knew the Realm needed the Columbine royals to die. Their death will fuel unity and conformity, and let the of people of Sanitatum know that the Columbine's misguided plans died with them. Their bloodline had to end for the world to heal.

"Son, lets not waste our breath on fire wood," Davu advised coldly. "They won't speak a word to us. Their Battle Commander fled the castle, and a handful of their staff vanished. They stashed their heir safely far from here- off to start another pandemic I'm sure. They intend to win the War as ghosts."

"I'm not in the mood to play a game of hide and seek," Kasim growled, signaling to the nearby guards. "Bring them to the stage and prepare the execution at once."

"Wait," Davu interjected, causing the guards to stop in their tracks. 

"Kasim, you have to let the people know the Columbine reign is over. We cannot have their living heir fuel the Columbine loyalists."

"What do you propose we do in his absence?" Kasim inquired with a tone of annoyance. "Its best to be swift- a manhunt could take years to smoke out the boy."

"We don't need the heir just yet," Davu said sternly, "Any orphan on the street with golden hair will suffice."

Davu motioned with his arm and a pair of guards emerged from the hall, dragging a small boy with them. The child was pushed to the ground, grunting in pain as his body slammed against the white marble floor. 

"At the end of the day, a pile of bones is a pile of bones."

Kasim looked down at the trembling child in silence. 

Davu could sense his son's apprehension. Kasim was still young; still weak. 

"You wouldn't want Faria's death to go to waste for the price of a street rat, would you?" Davu beaconed, leaving his son to face the child alone. "But the decision is yours to make. You are King after all."

The crowd cheered as the former royal family was brought to the stage

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The crowd cheered as the former royal family was brought to the stage. They were tied to wooden posts around which dried wood was placed. On each stake was a banner of the Columbine Kingdom's emblem: a bird with wings spread, holding a poppy in it's beak over a peaceful field of blue. 

Above the stage hung an overwhelming tapestry proudly displaying the Adofo Family's Emblem; a lion on a field of burgundy at the cross of two swords. The War of Birds and Lions seemed to be over, but Kasim knew the Columbines were tactical in their delusions. Their loose ends wouldn't be tied so easily.

"Simba should be here to witness this," Davu pointed quietly from the King's side. "He's going to be King one day. How can we expect him to lead if he cannot cheer as his Kingdom's enemies burn?"

"Absolutely not," Kasim's voice was stern. "His mother just died in battle. He's been through enough. He needs to grieve." 

Davu knew when it came to his son, Kasim wouldn't be swayed. Kasim's compassion towards his son and wife got in the way of his true potential. That was a flaw Davu couldn't seem to correct in his son even after years of trying. 

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