Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Two weeks had almost passed since Roman's last visit. Amber had tried to think of a way out of it, the truth nearly slipping several times around Cedric. She knew the king wouldn't hesitate to take action and without Cedric having the citizenship of Adessa, they didn't stand a chance of hiding from Roman and his soldiers for the last four months.

While there wasn't a way out of it, there would be a way she could intervene and right what would be her wrong. It was foolish and crazy to be giving into the awful plan, but it had to be done. Without anywhere else to go safely, it felt as though there wasn't another option. Amber would go along with Roman's plan and situate herself somewhere else in the world and find stability. There, she would be able to plan her return. She could sneak into Phaepyr, just as she had countless times before, and would save her husband and son from Roman's treacherous hold.

As the sunlight poured into their bedroom, Amber hesitated to open her eyes. With her end date quickly approaching, she knew it had to be today. She could hear Cedric shuffling behind her and getting out of the bed, getting ready for what would be the worst day of his life. The fact he didn't know it was coming broke her heart. Knowing she couldn't get herself back to sleep, she sat up slowly and watched as her husband pulled on a shirt and flashed her a smile.

"Good morning." Cedric buttoned up his shirt, running his fingers through his hair to get it out of his face. He walked over, gently placing a kiss upon her before slipping his boots on.

"Good morning." She fought the tremble in her voice, forcing a smile. Amber hadn't been fond of her uncle before, but as he forced her hand a hatred began to grow. She had made a family for herself, a family that was filled with love. She had saved Cedric from Phaeper's clutches and all too soon, he would go running back. She held onto the hope that Cedric would wait out the last four months with Riley and go to Adessa. If Cedric went to Adessa, she would be able to meet with him sooner without any concern of Roman getting involved.

He glanced over her as he tied his laces up. "Did you have a bad dream? You look miserable." Cedric observed aloud, a little frown coming to his face. "I was planning on exploring the area a bit more today, I think we're almost out of firewood, but I can stay home." He assured, reaching out and gingerly grabbing her arm and offering a squeeze.

Amber hesitated to shake her head. "No, it's fine. Best to get it done sooner rather than later, right?" She felt sick with herself. What kind of woman abandoned her family knowingly like this? She didn't have the strength to fight Roman and his men, especially not while expecting. She wanted to protect Cedric and Riley, but she was weakened so long as she was with child. It was another person she had to protect. She wouldn't be able to exert all her energy. The dread of her soon-to-be actions weighed upon her body, making her feel as though she was about to be crushed. The day hadn't even started and already she felt weak.

"If you're sure." He smiled and gave her a brief kiss to her forehead before walking out of the bedroom to check on Riley, completely oblivious to his wife's ongoing panic. It was just another day for him, another day closer to becoming a citizen of Adessa.

She watched him leave, struggling to find the strength to pull herself out of bed. Amber managed to do so, though each movement pained her. She changed out of her nightgown and into something that was easy to move around in. Amber stumbled out of the bedroom, fighting the sobs that wanted to break through her throat. She wasn't ready to be alone again. She peered into the doorway of Riley's room, spotting Cedric.

Cedric leaned over Riley's crib, reaching down and tickling the young boy. There was a mixture of laughter between the two of them.

Her heart trembled. Amber wasn't ready to give either of them up. Cedric and Riley were her entire world. She leaned against the doorframe, trying to memorize each movement the two made. Their laughter stuck in her head, the sound tying together with the memory. She stayed still as Cedric turned on his heel and began to leave the room, flashing her another smile.

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