Chapter Seventeen

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While it had been hard at first to try and overcome, the pair quickly figured out their routine. It had involved several times of almost being discovered by people in Phaepyr and a few run-ins with the soldiers of Adessa, but the two didn't mind. It was all worth it.

In the early mornings, Cedric would wake in a bed by himself. He would lift the covers off of him and jump to his feet. It was easier to get out of bed when he had someone to look forward to. The faster he got on with his day, the faster he could see his beloved wife.

It was hard, however. Roman was becoming suspicious. Cedric had gone from being an empty shell that lacked emotions to someone who appeared to be filled with life and could actually smile. More often than not, Cedric was forced to pretend as though nothing had changed. Every morning, when Cedric arrived at the castle to go over the protocol for the day, Roman would question him.

"Cedric, you seem to be... Chipper... Today. What's the happy news?" Roman would ask from his throne, his arms crossed across his lap as he glanced over his general. He would tilt his head, a smirk playing on the corners of his lips as if he knew what Cedric was hiding. He didn't, there wasn't a possible way for him to have found out, but that didn't stop him from trying to convince Cedric that he did.

Cedric shrugged from his position beside the king, watching as their soldiers walked out of the throne room after being given their daily assignments. "I suppose I just slept well last night, your highness. I dreamt of my childhood."

"Your childhood?" The king straightened his head, sparing another glance to his right-hand man. He motioned for the man to stand before him with his bony fingers. "What about your childhood? I don't believe that's a valid reason to be happier than normal. What is so good about remembering when you were a child?"

The man shrugged, knowing he needed to keep his composure. Every day, he gave a different answer. He was always prepared. "I dreamt of what I could remember of my family. I tried to remember my parents. They were mostly fragments, pieces that I can remember better than anything else, but we ate together, and they were playing with me. They told me how much they loved me."

"It's foolish to dream of things that can never be." Roman's cold eyes were focused entirely upon Cedric. "It leaves you vulnerable as you hope for what will never come."

"Yes, your highness. I'll remember that for next time." Respectfully, Cedric bowed his head. "I do have to check on several things this morning. If you aren't needing me, I will be heading there now. Can I do anything else for you, King Roman?"

"That is all."

With another bow, Cedric turned on his heel and walked out of the throne room. He didn't allow his entire face to smile, knowing it would be odd to others around him, but he did allow a small one. It was just enough to remind him that in mere hours, he would be holding Amber. It would be worth it.

And it always was.

After his work in the morning was completed, Cedric would leave his men under the authority of those directly beneath him and would head for the outskirts of Phaepyr. Making sure he wasn't followed, he would dismiss the guards that were always posted near the entrance and find Amber waiting for him nearby. Each day, she'd hide in a new place. It was a little game they would play with each other and he loved it.

As he passed by each tree, he'd quickly peak his head around it to see if he could catch her hiding behind it, but she wasn't behind any trees. He had been glancing up into the branches of the trees, but she wasn't there either. While it took him several tries, he eventually found her hiding behind several bushes. "Took me long enough." He laughed as he knelt beside her.

Yet, she wasn't her usual beaming self. There was something wrong. Teary eyes met his own, old tears already falling down her cheeks.

"Amber?" His smile faded away. Cedric cupped her face into his hands, using his thumbs to remove the tears from her face. "What's the matter? Did someone see you?"

"Hardly that." She swallowed, tilting her cheek into his hand. Amber's gentle hands grabbed his wrists to keep his hands in place. "We're going to have a child."

The breath caught in his throat as he paused. While all the other moments in time had gone by quickly for Cedric, this was the first moment that time seemed to freeze. His eyes were locked with Amber's as he took in what she had told him.

They were going to have a child. She was expecting. They were going to be parents.

He was going to be a father.

Becoming a father was never a thought that occurred to him beforehand simply because he had never thought he would ever have a family again. Roman had always told him that the war was more important than finding love and having children. Blindly, he had listened. Meeting Amber had utterly changed his life around for the better.

While exciting, it was also a frightening thought. Cedric could hardly remember his own father let alone had never interacted with someone who was a father. How was he supposed to do what he had never been shown? There wasn't a single idea in his head how to go about it, but it wouldn't matter. He would have Amber. That was all he would ever need.

As his realization finished, he found himself grinning.


Without meaning to, he began to laugh. His hands removed themselves from her face, falling onto her waist instead as he pulled her into a tight hug. "How wonderful is this."

"You aren't worried? Afraid?" The tremor in her voice was fading away.

"Why would I feel that way?" He pulled back enough to see her features.

"It will be harder to hide. Babies cry. They'll find us. What if they kill us all?" Amber's eyes moved to the nearby buildings of Phaepyr without meaning to. The worry was evident, as dark circles were underneath her eyes. She had been thinking about this for a while.

He followed her gaze, not denying what she said. He knew without any doubt that she was right. Cedric would be considered a traitor and would be executed. Amber might have the option to live, but only if she provided aid for their soldiers to infiltrate Adessa or if she vowed to become loyal to Phaepyr. If she denied it, she would be executed as well. Their child would be the only one that had potential far greater than both of them combined to live. A child could be twisted and manipulated. Roman could bend a child to his will. Cedric bit the inside of his cheeks, knowing that Roman wouldn't hesitate to turn their child into a killing machine if he and Amber were killed. He wanted better for his child. He wanted a world without war for his family. "We'll make this work." His eyes refocused back onto his wife's as he offered her the most comforting smile he could manage.

"When I have enough money saved, I will leave Phaepyr. I'll do what I need to do to convince Adessa to take me. We will be safe, Amber. I promise you. I swear this to you."

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