Chapter Twenty-One

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Every night for the last month, Cedric had made the journey to Adessa and met Amber's father by the boulders. He was snuck inside, always so desperate to see his beloved wife. He had refused her from traveling out of Adessa the closer they got to her due date, fearing that she might go into labor in the woods without help or that she would be discovered and unable to do anything about it. He wanted her to be safe.

Amber hadn't entirely agreed at first, but soon came around when Cedric explained himself. He was adamant that midwives be available for her, knowing the dangers of childbirth. Not only did he want to protect her from the threats outside of the walls, but the threats that she unknowingly held herself.

"Is it time?" Cedric asked in a whisper as he crawled through the hole while her father waited beside the boulder he had just moved.

"Yes." Her father had always been more of a quiet man, even more so since his wife had passed on. He offered a smile to his son-in-law, moving the boulder back into place with his help once he was out. The older man patted the other's shoulder. "Go to her. I'll be right behind you. The midwives are already with her."

Cedric hadn't ran faster in his entire life. He sped through the streets, ignoring how his boots sounded against the cobblestone. There were hardly people about, the few that were out merely looked at him and shrugged it off. They had bigger things to worry about than a man running through the streets. He found his way directly to the Vawdrey household, bursting through the door with an amount of energy he had never had before. "Amber?" He called as he approached the bedroom doors.

A midwife was quick to open the door.

Cedric tried to step in, barely able to see Amber through the crack, but the woman stopped him.

"No men allowed. She's doing great. We'll get you when it's done." Without allowing him to argue the issue, the door was shut in his face.

Despite the frustration he faced, knowing that Amber was going through something tough and he wanted to help her where he could, he knew he had to respect the midwives. They were the ones that would keep his wife and child safe. Cedric sighed and sunk down where he stood, sitting down directly in front of the door.

It was all happening so fast. Cedric didn't feel ready for the journey of fatherhood yet his heart longed to hold his child. Not being able to remember his own father, he hadn't a single clue how to raise an entire person. Having Amber by his side would be most helpful however, as she had grown up with both her parents. She would be able to guide and lead him in the right direction.

He found himself smiling as he thought about it. He wondered what their child would look like, secretly hoping that they took more of Amber's traits than his. Compared to her, he felt ugly. She was the definition of beauty in his eyes.

He tried to think of all the things they could do together. Cedric imagined the child being older, thinking of how he could train them to always know how to protect themselves. He imagined taking them on walks through Adessa, teaching them simple things like how to hunt and fish. The possibilities were entirely endless.

Only the sound of a crying newborn baby brought him out of his thoughts. Excitement poured into his chest causing him to quickly stand up. Wide eyes were focused on the worn wooden door, desperate for it to swing open and allow him inside. He wanted to see Amber and he wanted to see their child.

It was nearly a half hour before the door opened. The same midwife as before was smiling up to Cedric. She silently stepped aside, opening the door wider to allow him entry.

He offered a small smile in return, simply eager to get to Amber. He hurried through the room, focused on Amber.

She was sitting in the middle of a bed that had fresh blankets, the old ones tossed into a bucket beside them. She was beneath the blankets, a damp rag across her forehead. There were dark circles beneath her eyes yet she still smiled at him. In her arms was a tiny bundle wrapped in a smaller blanket.

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