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So today was the day all my friends bunking in with me for the whole day.  And I prepared some video games,games and games.This day COUNDT get worse. But I think I just jinxed myself. Maybe something will go wrong or something bad will happen ,will I be in danger?.I passed out and woke up on my couch with all my friends and my mom and dad standing in front of me. Then my mom said "Don't be a worry wart sweetie". I was pretty offended but I didn't care.So after I awoke we played some games had lunch and played a game that was pretty scary if I say so.Its called:Charlie Charlie the game.I think the game summons a sprit? I'm pretty sure that's how you play it.So we decided to play the game except me.Because I'm a scaredy cat you can say.One "boo" I fall off and faint.

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