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A/N (like all my other chapters) cliffhanger at the end. This one is huge lol

1 week later

A week has passed and today was Jarrett's first day back to school. Today was also Isaac's first day of work in Colorado. They both got ready, and once 7:30 hit, they were out the door.

Jarrett got to drive Isaac's truck to school. Once they got there, Jarrett pulled into a parking spot, and got out. Isaac waved goodbye and got into the driver's seat and drove off.

Jarrett walked into the doors of school for the first time in a week. He got stares as he wandered down the hallway. He wanted to surprise his friends when he came back, so they had no idea he was back. He walked to his locker and got his Spanish things. He was really happy to be back in a regular school again.

He walked in the classroom and sat at his same desk in the back, Jarrett realized that all the jocks that Andrew was sitting by the other day were Jacob, Dawson, Michael, and Nick. He wanted them to realize that he was back, so he didn't say anything.

The bell rang, and Mrs. Brown walked in the classroom, "It looks like someone joined us again today," she said, looking at Jarrett, "how have you been doing,"

"I'm a lot better," Jarrett said, "my concussion is almost 100 percent gone, and my ribs are doing better,"

When they heard Jarrett's voice, all of his friends turned around in shock. They were happy to see him back.

"Jarrett is back!" Andrew said excitedly.

Jarrett smiled. He was really happy to see Andrew in person again.

"So today, we're going to take notes over stem change verbs," Mrs. Brown said.

Jarrett realized that Mrs. Brown was a lot better than Mrs. Singleton at lecturing. She went a lot slower and made sure everyone copied the notes before moving on. They took notes for about 15 minutes, then did an activity. Once they were done with that they could talk. Jarrett decided to go by all of his friends.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming back today?" Harper said.

"I wanted it to be a surprise," Jarrett said.

"Oh yeah, what happened with your mom, if you don't mind me asking, Andrew said,"

"Oh that monster," Jarrett said, "she got sentenced to 5 years in prison and 2 years of parole and rehab,"

"That's amazing Jarrett," Andrew said.

"I know, and mom and dad got a divorce. They finalized it right after mom's trial," Jarrett said.

"Good, you don't have to see her ever again," Andrew said,"

They talked for a few more minutes, and then the bell rang to go to P.E. Jarrett was happy he got to sit out. He didn't really like P.E. Once he got there, even though he wasn't supposed to, he went in the locker room. He wanted to get away with being on his phone for a few minutes, and he also wanted to see Andrew change.

Once Andrew noticed him in the locker room, he was curious.

"Whatcha doing?" he asked.

"I just wanted to get on my phone for a few minutes without anyone noticing," Jarrett said.

"Oh," Andrew said.

Jarrett got on Snapchat for a couple of minutes, while also staring at Andrew. For some reason, Jarrett got even more satisfied today. He really liked what he saw. He thought he was ready to tell him, but he wasn't ready right at that second.

He waited a few seconds after Andrew left, and then left after him. He sat on the bleachers and tried to catch up on work that he missed. He watched as Andrew and Harper played dodgeball. They both looked 'so happy' to be there. Lucky Jarrett got to sit out for at least 6 weeks.

Once it was time to get dressed, Jarrett decided to stay in the gym until class was over. He didn't feel like walking to the hallway where everyone sat until class was over. He figured if Harper and Andrew wanted to talk, they could go in the gym.

Harper and Andrew came in after 3 minutes. They sat down next to Jarrett and started talking.

"So what did you do during recovery?" Harper asked.

"I mainly just laid in bed, did schoolwork, and got practice driving around," Jarrett said.

"You have your permit?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah," Jarrett said, "I took driver's ed back in Massachusetts,"

"Lucky, I don't turn 15 until January," Andrew said.

They kept talking until the bell rang. Jarrett and Andrew walked to Geometry, and Harper walked to her class.

When they got there, they had time to work on their project from last week. Andrew got a lot done while Jarrett was gone, but Jarrett still helped by doing some research and sending it to Andrew.

They started to put the board game, together, and talked about whatever came to mind. Jarrett thought that this would be the perfect time to tell him how he felt, when it was just the two of them.

"Hey Andrew, can I tell you something?" Jarrett asked.

"You can tell me anything," Andrew said.

"Well you know how I said I was gay right," Jarrett said, "Well, I have developed feelings for you over this past week. I really like you,"

Because of AndrewWhere stories live. Discover now