"I saw some of it," Isaac said, "I came out of our apartment to see Molly standing on his head with all of weight and punching his stomach,"

"Thank you Mr. Mitchell," the judge said, "Mrs. Mitchell, is all of this true,"

"Yes," Molly said.

"Well, Mrs. Mitchell," the judge said, "Let me tell you one thing. It is NOT okay to beat your son because he is gay. He needed you more than ever, and you went crazy. My oldest son came out as bisexual 10 years ago, and I couldn't be more proud of him. But now your son will most likely fear coming out to anyone else because of you. How does that make you feel?"

"Terrible," Molly said, "but still my son is straight,"

"NO HE IS NOT," the judge said, "IT'S HIS SEXUALITY, NOT YOURS,"

"I do not want my son to be gay," Molly said.

"THAT'S ENOUGH," the judge said, "well, child abuse is a felony in Colorado. I sentence you to 5 years in prison and 2 years of parole and rehab,"

"THAT'S NOT FAIR," Molly said crying,"

"The law is the law the judge said,"

Everyone stood in shock at what they just heard and left the room murmuring. Once everyone left the room, Isaac went to talk to Molly.

"I hate to say this, but I think it would be best for all three of us if we separated. I want a divorce,"

"Okay then," Molly said, "I'm fine with that. I don't need you, or my son that thinks he's gay,"

Isaac and Jarrett left the room and Isaac went to get a divorce paper to fill out. He finished filling it out, and Molly signed it. They then finalized the divorce.

They left the courthouse, and got in the car. They drove back to their apartment and went inside. Jarrett laid down on his bed while Isaac watched TV. Jarrett took a 4-hour nap before Isaac woke him up.

"Jarrett," Isaac said, "You still have schoolwork and you're also going to drive today. I don't want you to sleep the whole day away,"

"Okay," Jarrett said, "Can we drive first. I don't feel like doing work,"

"I guess so, get ready," Isaac said.

Jarrett got out of his pajamas and changed into regular clothes, put on his shoes, and walked out the door. Isaac followed, and they got into the Explorer.

"I guess that this will be your car once you get your license," Isaac said.

"Oh," Jarrett said, "thank you!"

"No problem," Isaac said.

Jarrett backed out of the driveway and started to drive around town. They didn't really know where they were going.

"You need some practice on the freeway. I guess turn on I-70, and then we can go get something to eat at the next exit," Isaac said.

Jarrett nervously turned on to the exit ramp, and followed his father's instructions to speed up as fast as he could. He was nervous. Once he got on the main road, he hurried and merged into the far right lane. There were 3 lanes of traffic going a lot faster than he was used to.

"Relax," Isaac said, "You'll get used to it,"

Jarrett tried his hardest to relax. He drove for 2 miles until the next exit. He got used to it, and Isaac even showed him how to properly pass a car. He got off the freeway, and drove onto one of the main streets full of restaurants.

"What do you want to eat?" Isaac asked.

"I don't know," Jarrett said, "Zaxby's kind of sounds good,"

"Alright, Zaxby's it is," Isaac said.

They turned into the Zaxby's parking lot. Jarrett parked the cars, and gave the keys to his dad. They went in, ordered their food and enjoyed a nice lunch.

Isaac gave the keys back to Jarrett and let him drive back home. He figured it would be more practice.

Jarrett drove out of Zaxby's, drove on the main road, and got back on the freeway. He did a lot better that time and got off safely. Then he drove down the side streets until they got to their apartment.

"Jarrett, you need to start on your schoolwork. Your teacher's emailed you the assignments,"

Jarrett agreed and went to his room, got his MacBook out, and started to work on his schoolwork. He just loved every moment of it. He would rather be in school with his friends.

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