Chapter 1

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The loud beeping sliced through the silence of the dark room as small rays of light tried to peak through the black curtains. My hand landed on the alarm clock at an attempt to shut off the piercing sound and a loud sigh emitted from my lips, filling the room that once echoed with an annoying sound. I slowly got up, making my way to the window and pulling back the curtains with a low hissing noise as the light flooded into the room. I shuffled over to my closet, pulling out a Green Day T-shirt and grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans up off the floor. The stairs made a loud 'clunk' noise each time my black converse came into contact with the wood.

I quickly turned the corner almost running into my younger brother, Mikey. I looked at him apologetically. "Sorry Mikes," I said as he awkwardly shuffled his feet, looking at me. "Its fine," he replied, looking away from me and making his way out of the kitchen.

I completely forgot about eating breakfast because of the awkward encounter with Mikey and made my way out the door, walking to school. Quickly I was met with the chilly Jersey breeze as I neared the school. 'Great another day in this Hellhole,' I thought as I entered the doors. I walked through the dull halls to my locker and grabbed my textbooks. When I closed my locker and turned around I was met with none other than Bert McCraken himself.

I quietly sighed as his goons filled the space behind him. "Hey Fag," he spat and I nervously started to shake. "H-hello Bert.." My reply came out shaky and I looked down at the tile floor hoping it was all just a nightmare. "If I see you in-," he was cut off by the shrill screaming of the bell signaling for us to get to class. "Just stay out of my sight, you piece of shit," he yelled as he ran off with his goons trailing behind.

I quickly made my way to History and walked into the class with the teacher giving me a lecture about how to be on time. 'I was only two minutes late,' I thought in annoyance. I decided to just mope to my desk with a sigh, slouching in the uncomfortable seat. History didn't really intrigue me, so I tuned the teacher out completely. Before I knew it History had ended and I walked to Biology.

I entered the classroom, seating myself on my usual stool at the table beside the window. As everyone settled down class started. Quiet murmurs filled the room as everyone discussed the homework we had over the weekend. "Okay everyone, please turn in your homework that should have been done over the weekend," the teacher started glaring at a couple of the kids. I handed over the finished homework to a student who collected the papers. The teacher started talking about some upcoming lessons we'd be learning for the next few days in the textbook.

There was a small 'click' noise as the door opened. What stood in the doorway caught my attention rather quickly. A short male with a black faux hawk with the sides bleached and quite the ring of eyeliner dragged himself to the front of the room. He wore a Blink-182 T-shirt and black jeans that had holes in the knees. The teacher stood up, acknowledging his presence as she stood beside him.

The teacher towered over him and I giggled at the sight. Mrs. Smith snapped her fingers and the whole class turned to her, staring at the small boy she stood beside. "Everyone please welcome our new student Frank.. Ear-oh?" The short male looked towards her with his piercing hazel eyes, "it's pronounced eye-ear-oh." I noticed with the tone he used he made it sound like he was talking to someone mentally retarded. The teacher just nodded and after a few seconds of silence she spoke to break the tension in the room. "Okay Frank, tell the class something interesting about yourself." The small punk looked confused for a moment. Honestly even I don't understand why she always made new students share something like that.

Everyone's eyes were locked on Frank as he stood there awkwardly in the "spotlight." "Well my name's Frank Iero and um.. I play guitar." The silence soon returned as everyone kept staring at the boy. I sat there mesmerized by his eyes. They were just so beautiful and I couldn't help to wonder what secrets were hidden behind them. Mrs. Smith spoke up after a while, "okay Frank go take a seat." I watched as the mysterious boy made his way to the empty seat in front of me.

The teacher soon started to ramble. "Okay, so the next couple of weeks we will be learning some Ethology or what is more commonly known as animal behavior." She handed out a sheet of specific lessons we would be going over. I tuned out everything after that and looked down at the black book that lay on the desk. I opened it and the lifeless eyes of a gory scene greeted me. I smiled to myself and turned the page which left me with a white void waiting to be filled with creativity. I grabbed my pencil and started sketching another horrifying scene. The bell snapped me out of my small concentrated trance as the students filed out of the classroom. I shoved all my things into my bag and followed the crowd.

As I walked through the doors of the cafeteria the loud conversations of the other students merged together. I walked over to my usual table and was greeted by a boy with brown curls outlining his face. "Hey Princess Fro Fro," I said as I sat down across from him. "Hello Getard," he replied with a small giggle. "So.. have you seen the new kid?" Ray asked. "Yeah he's in my Biology class." A huge grin spread across Ray's face as Alex sat next to me. "Wassup Torosaurus," Alex said to Ray as he answered with "nothing much, as usual.." Alex turned to me with a smirk. "New kid's a cutie, ain't he?"

I looked over the room and saw Frank sitting by himself on the far end of the room, turning back to Alex who looked at me with a weird expression I couldn't read. I guess he was just awaiting my answer to his question, so I just shrugged, "I guess." We carried on with the rest of our day and it ended pretty quickly for a Monday. As I walked home all I could think about was the short boy with the beautiful eyes. He was just so mysterious. I wanted to know all about him. That night I wasn't able to get him out of my head, he just seemed to fill all the space in my brain. Soon the room went dark as sleep embraced me.

Hazel OrbsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant