Chapter 3

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I approached my locker and grabbed my textbooks when I hear footsteps thudding down the hall followed by "hey faggot."
I quickly closed my locker and bolted down the bland hallway. The footsteps sped up, matching my speed and I was caught not long after. Ugh great... I thought.
I was finally face to face with Bert and his group of goons.

I was trapped between them and the nearby lockers and it looked like they weren't going to leave me alone anytime soon. "What the hell did I say? I can't tell if you just enjoy seeing me this much or if you're just stupid," Bert spat.
He ordered two out of the group to hold me against the cool metal of the lockers.

I watched him carefully, terrified of what was about to happen next. My eyes grew wide as he pulled his fist back and I closed them tightly, preparing myself for the impact to my face. His fist came in contact with my face and laughter erupted from his friends like a pack of wild hyenas. He punched me a few more times and then ordered the thugs to let me go.

I slid down against the cold surface of the lockers as the hooligans left. I slowly made my way to the bathroom and fell to the floor sobbing. I eventually took a couple deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself. This didn't work to well, so I decided to leave school and go to the one place I enjoyed most. The forest.

I slipped out of the bathroom and into the hallway cautiously. I shuffled out of the school with my head down, so no one noticed that I was leaving. Although I don't really think anyone would have noticed I had left. I continued to walk with the sidewalk as my concrete guide until my feet met the dirt trail.

I raised my head, deepening my position in the dense forest. The seemingly untouched vegetation blew back and forth in the calming breeze. I sat down against the thick trunk of an oak tree. I reached a bony hand into my back pack searching for the small box I always kept close by.

I found the box and shakily took out a cigarette, setting it between my lips and letting it sit there as I rummaged through my things to find my lighter. I pull out my lighter wrapped in the checkered pattern and lit the small cancer stick between my lips. I took a long, needed drag from the stick of nicotine and my nerves started to calm a bit. As I watched the smoke drift away, I wished that all my problems could disappear as easily as smoke drifting away into the air.

My memories of the night I met an unexpected guest in this place flooded my brain. I returned to school after a while, thinking of how Mikey would've scolded me for skipping class. The day finally ended and to my surprise I rounded the corner finding the one person I wouldn't have expected to.

I hid, watching as he slowly leaned down to drink from the water fountain. He quickly lapped of the water like you'd see a dog do and I run this through my head as slightly unusual. He straightened up and wiped his mouth on his sleeve and he turns and spots me from where I was watching him.

He started walking towards me and I started to tense up. My muscles felt like they were restrained and I couldn't move as the boy, known as Frank Iero, approached me. He might've been shorter than me, but in this moment he was fucking intimidating. I tried swallowing, but my throat felt like a desert that had no water for thousands of miles.

As the beautiful, yet intimidating boy stood in front of me the situation didn't help my nerves. Finally he breaks the silence. "Were you watching me..?" Those words from his lips made it seem like I regularly stalked others. "Um.. no..." His eyes carefully searched my face and I felt slightly uncomfortable. "I don't like liars you know." I bit my lip, "y-yes I was..." I stated shamefully. He'd probably think I was some kind of creep. He'd tell me this would be the last time he'd talk to me and tell me to never come around him ever again. I honestly didn't expect the next words to come out of his mouth.

"Thanks for being honest.. um..."
I looked up at him, realizing he didn't know my name. "Uh Gerard. Gerard Way," I stated. "Well thanks for being honest, Gerard. I'm Frank by the way." He holds out his hand and I take it, relaxing and shaking his hand. "I know." His eyes widened, "wow.. stalkerish much..?" My face turned red from embarrassment, "uh no.. I just- uh." He giggled, "I know what you meant." His giggle just made my heart melt. It was just so adorable. I smiled softly at the small punk boy and he returned the kind gesture.

"Well I'll see you around, Gerard," the smaller boy waved at me before he turned the corner and disappeared. I returned home, thinking of him the whole way and followed out with my end of the day routine until sleep swallowed me up.
Woah, hi, it has been a while. Um, yeah, here's another update. I am so sorry for the long wait. Hope all of you had a fantastic day!

Hazel OrbsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ