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I actually write my chapters every midnight nowadays because I can surprisingly pour out the ideas within these hours xD so by day, I spend time doing some humane chores and by night, I come here and be princehendery. anyway, here it is!

SATURDAY; 6:12:31 AM

As I lie awake from a strange place, I felt my entire body mildly aching, especially my head. It throbbed like my brain was being squeezed like a worthless sponge. Slowly getting up from the duvet, I carefully bat my lashes while looking around. My head switching from one corner to the other. I was beginning to panic, knowing I had no idea how I even got here in the first place.

Till my eyes found their way to the person peacefully sleeping next to me: Taeyong.

I secretly speculate his face, only to notice how angelic he looked like in his slumber. The subtle and soft sun rays that pierced through the window was lambently shining upon him. I stare longer, discovering his left eye was swollen and his hands were covered in lesions. His lips were chapped but his entire face was effortlessly glowing.

I was about to reach out for his black silky hair but I was surprised when I realized I wasn't in my own clothes. I drew back my hand, running my palms all over my upper body as I looked at the yellow statement shirt I was wearing.

When all of a sudden, the door across me quietly creaked open, exposing an old woman, seemingly smiling as if she had been known I was already up.

She motioned me to follow her. Without a word, I did so, making sure I wouldn't disturb Taeyong from his beauty sleep. I got out of the bed, reluctantly trailing behind the woman who was apparently leading towards the kitchen.

There, I saw a man wearing a plain white apron whilst holding onto a rubber spatula. He greeted the woman and I with a warm smile but his eyes were particularly drawn to me.

"Excuse me. . ." I whispered to the old lady in front of me, who was still moving forward. "Where am I? and. . . Who are you?"

She merely chuckled and took a seat in the dining table. I also sat next to her, still expecting for a response from her.

"Honey, wake him up. Breakfast is ready," The old man mumbled, untangling the knot at his back. "He's been sleeping too much."

"Oh, let the boy take a rest. He's probably had a rough day." She finally spoke. Her voice was soothing like the ocean rushing on the sand. It didn't sound familiar to me but I somehow found comfort just hearing her.

"Seulgi-ah, why don't you wake Yongie and let's eat together," I felt a sharp blow on my guts. My face twisted in bemusement, thinking I might've just misheard the old man. "Please?"

"Did. . . you just call me Seulgi?" I queried the man. Moreover, my chest feeling a bit heavier than the moment I opened my eyes.

"Grandpa," a voice emanated from the other side of the room. Our heads whipped to one direction, specifically at Taeyong who was rubbing his knuckles on his eyes. He yawned for a short while and said: "She hasn't known yet."

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