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Thank you to everyone reading this right now :> I'm happy you're enjoying it as much as I enjoyed writing them. Since I've been actively updating series of parts, I will take the rest of the days writing the next chapters. Hence, updates will be done on the next next day. Hehe i hope you all won't mind waiting for a little while. 

So, here it goes!

FRIDAY; 5:54:18 PM

"Hey, Ji Seul, have you been to this place? Insa-dong, I mean." Taeyong asked out of the blue as we vacate out of the bus along with other passengers.

I nodded, giving him a reassuring grin.

"There are a lot of art galleries here in Insa-dong. Some of the most luxurious and expensive ones happen to be located here. I plan to move my art gallery here someday. When I am able to afford the rent, though."

Taeyong halted from walking and his mouth formed an 'o'

"You have your own art gallery?" He exclaimed, excited as a little boy who's about to enter an amusement park. I nodded again, proudly this time.

"I never knew you were so cool."

I blushed at his compliment, the lines around my mouth creasing from smiling.

Taeyong and I walked, side by side, to find a place to stop by and buy some snacks. We had to fill our stomachs before entering the art gallery. We're not supposed to bring in food or drinks inside because as far as I am concerned, art galleries are like churches to me. They're sacred and should be respected.

"Want to try peach roll cake?" I asked him.

"There is?!"

He seemed to be a cake-enthusiast. I presume. I lead the way towards our bake shop, which is managed by my uncle. I didn't tell him about it yet because his opinion towards the cake's taste might be biased already.

We walked in the shop and I saw my uncle handling some costumers by the counter. The smell of cake fondue and bread was diffusing inside the place. It made my belly rumble. He welcomed me with a relieved smile. Then, we both lined up

"Two peach roll cakes and Macha macaroons please. And two cups of warm milk. Take out, please." I dictated, without needing to read the menu. Taeyong stood behind me. I wasn't quite sure what he was doing but I have a hunch that his eyes are all over the place. In terms of interior, the shop never fails to amuse the costumers. It's minimalistic and at this same time blasting with pastel colors. The ceiling was decorated with thin lines and lambent-glowing fairy lights. It was as if you're inside an actual cake. Baby pink clouds were painted on the sky-blue walls. Some of my paintings were framed and hung in the walls. At the middle of the room was a flamboyant chandelier that what appeared to be a collision of fruits.

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