Jungkook hastily held the elevator doors open and said loudly, “Did I drop my lucky pen?” After getting a good look on the lanyard, Jungkook quickly took off.

He belatedly realized how dorky he sounded looking for his lucky pen. He ranted at himself for thinking such a lame excuse for holding the elevator doors open. He began to question himself how he landed 15th place of the CPA licensure exam and come up with such a lousy excuse. At that thought, he feared that his confidence was crumbling apart.

Later that day, Jungkook was zoning out in the middle of their team meeting. His thoughts were elsewhere, to Miss Apparition in particular. He felt embarrassed thinking about how he behaved in front of her this morning.

“Jungkook?” His team leader called out Jungkook’s attention, noticing that he was not listening to the meeting anymore. His teammate nudged him to wake him up from his reverie. He mechanically sat straight with his eyes wide open. Everyone in the room snickered excluding Jungkook who was scratching his head in puzzlement.

“Now that we have your attention, can you share to the group what it was you were daydreaming about?” His team leader asked teasingly.

Jungkook gulped hard before he pleaded to the whole team saying, “Sorry guys. Let’s just go back to the meeting, please.” His team leader only shook his head, bothered by Jungkook’s bearing.

The meeting ended just a few minutes before the end of their shift. Jungkook went to his desk to shut off the computer and prepared to get off work.

He stopped by the ground floor lobby to look at the list of their building’s tenants. He scanned the list looking for H-E-P-H-A-E-S-T-U-S. He found Hephaestus Furniture Incorporated, located at the eleventh floor.

Jungkook deduced that Miss Apparition was working at Hephaestus Furniture Inc. He delighted at this realization.

After learning that Miss Apparition’s workplace was just three floors above his, Jungkook believed this turn of events to be the works of fate. Thereupon, Jungkook came earlier to work to intentionally ride the elevator together with his newfound crush. And at the end of his shift, Jungkook briskly left his desk to be the first one to get out of the office. While waiting for the elevator, he envisioned seeing his crush inside it and got disappointed every time she was not in it. Except for when he was extremely busy, this became Jungkook's routine.

For the past six months of harboring his crush, Jungkook never found the courage to approach her. He felt contented in getting to know her from looking at her from afar.

He even thought that he can already recognize her facial expressions. When she looked tired, he felt guilty when all he can do was feel bad for her. When she’s sad, his wanting to comfort her was never put into action. Though when she was happy, Jungkook mirrored her happiness.

... ... ... ... ...

Back to the present . . .

Jungkook was upset when it seemed that he was missing his crush again today. He worried that their schedules were out of sync because it had been a couple of days since he last saw her.

Now a sudden downpour doused the street. Looking at the sky, Jungkook silently asked, “Are you sympathizing me just now?”

He was pulling his umbrella out of his bag when someone bumped him from behind. He grumbled when his umbrella fell on the wet ground due to the impact. Then he forlornly watched as his umbrella rolled off the street and got crushed by a passing car.

He cursed under his breath before looking at the person standing behind him. He was completely shocked upon seeing the familiar face before him. It was the same woman who had been the subject of his dreams for the past six months.

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