I woke up with a pounding headache and I felt so gross. I felt sick. I slowly got up and went to my bathroom. I looked in the bathroom mirror and examined my features, I looked terrible and I also noticed that I was wearing the little dress from last night. "LAST NIGHT!" I said aloud, I remembered that I told Jungkook to come meet me at work today. I ran to my phone and checked the time. It was almost 4:00 p.m. and I had missed calls from Do-Ha and a text from Jungkook....

    I called Do-Ha, she picked up immediately. "Jasmine what the hell?! Why didn't you tell me you were skipping today?" She asked me in a concerned tone. "I'm sorry, I didn't know I was skipping today either, I just woke up not too long ago and I feel extremely terrible."  I felt so bad, not just about being sick but because now Jungkook probably thinks I stood him up, even though it wasn't a date. I just never leave people hanging like that, when I ask people to meet me I always make sure that I'm always there. "Omg, I didn't know that Jasmine...I'm just going to tell Mrs. Cha that you were sick okay? You take a rest love yeah? Also Jungkook came by today...he was looking for you" Do-Ha stated. "What did he say? Was he mad or was he sad?" I asked a little nervous.

   "Well, he said that you told him to come by the shop, when I told him you weren't there he looked little disappointed but I can't really tell if he was upset. I think you should text him,  but if I were you I would call." She replied. "Ah, I see...well thanks and I'm gonna talk to him, bye, Loves you.." I said before ending the call. I sighed and open the messaged from Jungkook. "Are u okay?" I smiled lightly at the screen before opening the message app.

Me: Hi, I'm sorry I wasn't at work today, ik I told you to stop by but I woke up late and I think I am sick. I feel really terrible that I made you come to the restaurant and I didn't even show up.

Jungkook: It's fine really, I honestly wasn't expecting you to be there.

Me: What? You weren't? Why?

Jungkook: First of all, when I got to the club you had already downed 5 drinks all alcohol too. Then when we were chatting you had like 4 more drinks, also alcohol.

Me: Wow I didn't know you payed that much attention..

Jungkook: well I did, anyways what r u doing now?

Me: Um, nothing

Jungkook: so u aren't going to the doctor, you need to go see what's wrong.

Me: I don't need to go to the doctor, I can treat a cold.

Jungkook: How do u know it's a cold? I think u got a hangover.

Me: bc I just kno okay...plus the drinks that I did have weren't even that strong

Jungkook: go to the doctor...

Me: Umm....nO

Jungkook: Go. To. The. Doctor....nOw.

Jungkook: If u don't I'm just gonna keep blowing up your phone and give you and even bigger headache.

Me: so

Jungkook: g

Jungkook: o

Jungkook: .

Jungkook: t

Jungkook: o

Jungkook: .

Jungkook: t

Jungkook: h

Jungkook: e

Me: oKaY >:/ ! Ima go now and watch when I come back, the doctors just gonna tell me I have a cold, and then I'm gonna waste money to get diagnosed with something I knew I hAd.

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