He quickly packed a suitcase or two and he left the house.

I just laid there. In my bed.


I woke up to the awful nightmare I had, that was once lived too. I sat up and looked around. Daniels was the only one awake. "Mornin'." He said to me, looking down at his letter that was still sealed in the envelope.
"Morning." I replied back, "Was I interrupting something?" I asked him, referring to his letter. Daniels eyes focused on me for a moment before looking back down. "No. I'm gonna open it later." I nodded at him and looked at the others. Aiello, Zussman and Stiles were all sleeping peacefully.

I stood up and walked over to my sniper rifle and M1928, preparing them for today's mission. My attention instantly focused on my letter, however. I picked it up and ripped open the envelope. Daniels walked over to me. "Do you want some space? I can leave if you want?" He questioned me but I waved it off. "Nah. It's okay." I answered him, looking at the letter the whole time. Daniels sat back down and left me to read my letter. I unfolded the paper, taking a deep breath.

"Dear Heidi,

We're all missing you so much everyday. We also got the news that you moved to a higher division. You should be so proud of yourself. We are.
I hope you're alive and well. And I hope you make it out of there alive. I keep having the same fear everyday of getting a condolence letter from the army. Please live for us. I pray every night that the war is going to be over very soon. But it seems like the more I pray, the longer it takes.

Also, I have some bad news to tell you. Your father is ill. Hopefully it is nothing to worry about and he will be cured. I'm just letting you know, that's all. He's a strong man, Heidi. He could break through it. It's probably where you get your strength from.

We love you so much. Please remember that. And stay alive. I'm so scared for your wellbeing. Nonetheless I'm so proud of you.
I will write to you again very soon.
All my love,

Your mother."


"Alright..." Crowley began as he planned out our next mission. We also met Rousseau, a French lady who saved Daniels and Zussman from almost being killed. I heard Crowley discussing the plan to Turner who nodded in agreement.

I could feel a pair of eyes on me whilst I listened to the plan. Pierson. I gazed at him for a moment before looking back at Crowley.
"Green." I heard Turner call my name as he approached me.
"Yes, sir." I responded and slung my sniper rifle on my back.
"You're gonna keep the area clear by taking out the guards outside. So that we can get in and set off those explosives." He told me, as I nodded my head. Turner held out a suppressor in his hand and I took it before attaching it to my rifle.

He gave the rest of the Platoon orders before we moved out.


Rousseau and Crowley were disguised as Nazis, so that they could plant the explosives. I watched them get in the car before Vivian drove away.

Turner's attention turned over to me. "I need you to go into that building. You should have a good watch from up there." He pointed up to the second floor whilst I looked over at it. It was pretty high. I was about to walk away to the building but Pierson stopped me.
"Do you think someone should go with her, sir? Anyone can creep from behind." Pierson glared down at me as he asked Turner.

Aiello stepped forward. "I'll go with her. I think she'll be fine anyway." I turned to Aiello and nodded before looking at Pierson, who was glaring at Aiello. "Alright, Aiello, make sure you keep guard inside." Turner ordered before we walked into the building together.

We stood near the entrance and I quickly pulled out my M1928. I looked inside and noticed a few Germans near the stairs. "Shit..." I whispered and hid behind the wall. Aiello pulled out his suppressed pistol and took them out quickly. "Let's go." He whispered, entering the building. I followed him up the stairs quietly and noticed more Germans. Aiello shot them all and reloaded. "Can you see anymore?" He whispered. I looked around the room. "No. All clear." I replied quietly and followed behind him. We walked up the stairs quietly. Just as we were about to make the last step, guns were firing in our direction. I quickly switched to my M1928 and fired at two Germans in my view. I got up the last step checked the room. "That's the last of them." I said to Aiello.

I changed to my Lee Enfield and crouched behind some boxes. I looked into my scope and I saw Crowley and Rousseau talking to some Nazis. I saw Rousseau give some papers to the Nazi, then they were both let inside. "Alright, they're in." I said.

"Try and see if you can find any other guards." Aiello told me, "Turner and the others need to sneak in more." I obeyed and searched the ground and noticed one guard, with his back turned.
I focused on him and shot a bullet into his skull. "Good shot." Aiello praised.
I looked around the ground beneath and noticed there were a few more. "Shit..." I muttered under my breath. Aiello glanced over at me, "What is it?"
I sighed and pulled away from my scope. "They're all talking to each other. I can't take any out yet." I explained and looked down at Turner, who was looking up at us both. I held up a hand, telling him to wait. He nodded before talking to the others. Probably telling them to stay there.

"So what we gonna do?" Aiello asked me, looking at the Germans through his binoculars.
"We're going to have to wait..." I answered with a sigh.

After a few minutes of waiting, some guards were leaving. "Green, they're splitting up." Aiello told me and I looked into my scope, adjusting so they were in my sight. My eye focused on one Nazi, who was holding a MP40. He was alone. I raised my sight high enough to reach his head and pulled the trigger without wasting time. Only a small noise could be heard, thanks to the suppressor. I adjusted the scope to my right, seeing another Nazi walking slowly, looking around him. I focused on his head and quickly shot him.
"There's two more." Aiello told me, "Look down a little." I lowered my scope and noticed a guard, facing us. I don't think he saw us, however. He just stood there. "I see him..." I trailed off and popped a bullet into his head.

"Nice! Just one-" Aiello stopped himself. "Shit. Wait here." He said and walked by me. I heard a gunshot and turned my head to see Aiello walking back up the stairs. "That was close." He muttered and I moved my attention to the guard again. "No shit." I mumbled.
I squeezed the trigger and killed the German instantly. I pulled away from my sniper, reloading and looking for Turner. Pierson looked up at me and I signalled for him to go. Seconds later, they were all moving up.

I stood up and slung my rifle on my back. "You ready to go back down?" I asked Aiello and he nodded, motioning me to go first. "Ladies first." He smiled and I grinned before exiting.

We made it out the building and started to walk back to the others. Aiello nudged my arm, with a small smirk plastered on his face. "So, when did you learn to shoot like that?"
I shrugged my shoulders slightly at his question. "My father taught me when I was 17. He had a liking for sniper rifles. Used them a lot when it came to war..." I answered, trying to not worry about him being ill at the moment. Aiello just nodded at my answer. "Fair enough." He responded. "You are a great shot." He complimented, causing me to giggle. "Thank you. I try."

I pulled out a cigarette as we continued to walk. Aiello copied me and put it between his lips.
"You got a light? I left mine in the tent." I pulled out my lighter and lit his before mine. "Thank you." I nodded and watched him blow smoke from his pale pink lips.

My gaze focussed ahead of us, as we continued to walk to the others.
Before I could say anything, bullets began to fly at us both. Aiello grabbed me by my forearm as we darted behind broken debris as cover.

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