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It had been five years and Legolas and I had been everywhere. To Erebor, Mirkwood, Rivendell, Lorien, and all the lands in between. We even saw Frodo and Gandalf off to the none dying lands with a few remaining elves. The world was beautiful. When we returned to Gondor Legolas had proposed to me and mom and dad were expecting. Of course on hearing the news I was engaged mom wanted to plan the wedding.

So now here I was trying to explain the customs of my world--not that I knew much-- and respect this world's customs which I was still learning about. I had said yes but wasn't quite ready for the whole marriage thing which Legolas understood. I would wear the ring and he would wear one too. Until then.

The End

Where do I belong? A Legolas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now