Chapter 5 Moria

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Chapter Five

Within a few hours, the storm hit. I was still carrying Frodo, I didn't mind and by now the storm was so bad that I could barely see where I was going and the wind would be too much for the young hobbit to stand in. Sam was being carried by Aragorn, dad, and Boromir had Merry and Pippin. Gandalf was in the lead plowing a path for us with his staff. Legolas walked closer to the edge of the cliff, walking on top of the snow thanks to his elven made boots.

Climbing through the waist deep snow was a struggle. I had taken off my snowshoes before the storm because I was sinking into it. Plus if I was on top of the snow the wind would blow me off the side of the mountain I was so light, even if I carried two hobbits I would have easily been blown off the side. They were tied back onto my bag. My breaths were coming short and heavy, my hot breath creating steam in the air. I felt Frodo's steady breathing against my chest, he had fallen asleep. I then heard a voice on the air, a fell voice. Legolas spoke before I could, "There is a fell voice on the air."

I could hear Saruman yelling in one Elvin language trying to awaken the mountain's rage. Gandalf yelled at us, "it's Saruman!" With a resounding crack, a huge chunk of rock fell and headed straight for us. I flattened myself against the wall and pulled Frodo close. Gandalf still stood on the edge and the rock and snow was getting closer to our heads. Legolas reached out and grabbed Gandalf and pulled him flat against the wall.

We were nearly buried, we had just moved out of the way in time. "Gandalf! He's trying to bring down the mountain! We must turn back!" Aragorn yelled over the storm.

"No!" Gandalf yelled back shaking his head. He then stepped out onto the ledge and commanded the mountain in another Elvish language. I wasn't focused on translating what the two wizards were saying. Suddenly a lightning bolt struck the mountainside and we were all buried under several feet of snow. It took me a moment to get back to the surface. I pulled Frodo with me as the others unburied the hobbits.

"We must get off the mountain make for the Gap of Rohan and take the west road to my city!" Boromir shouted.

"Be careful that Rohan takes us to close to Isengard!" Aragorn shouted.

"If we cannot pass over the mountain, let us go under it. Let us go through the mines of Moria," Gimli said making sure to get his opinion in. We sat in silence for several moments waiting for a decision from Gandalf.

"Let the ring bearer decide," Gandalf spoke. Frodo who had awakened when we were buried under the snow clutched the ring, thinking.

"We will go through the mines," he said.

"So be it," Gandalf replied. So we made our way back down to look for the entrance to Moria.

It took us a few days to get back and I carried Frodo the whole way but halfway down he said, "Arathina if you're tired you can put me down."

"I'm fine Frodo. I used to pack 150-pound sacks of flour and oats all day and carry up to ten bags a day, about five miles. Carrying you is a cake walk," I replied.

"A cake walk?" dad asked.

"It means it's easy," I explained. By sunset of the second day, we were at the base of the mountain and looking for the entrance to Moria. Just as the sun dipped below the horizon Gandalf found the entrance. We walked in a few feet when he called Frodo to him. I set Frodo down and he stumbled with his first few steps from not having walked in a few days. I caught him and steadied him. He looked up at me in thanks and I smiled.

Even though I couldn't hear what was being said I knew. He was telling Frodo to trust himself, his own strength because evil was going to be drawn to him from inside and outside the fellowship. This obviously scared the young hobbit. As I walked by I heard Frodo ask, "Who then do I trust?" I walked into Moria's entrance and sat on a tree root and took off my heavy clothes. I no longer needed them on.

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