Chapter 22 Battle Plans

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The next morning I set out to find Faramir. I knew what his father was going to ask of him. I found him walking toward Pippin. "Captain Faramir!" I called changing my course.

"You must be the one everyone's talking about," he said. I ignored his comment and continued to walk toward him. "It seems that you've won the loyalty of the guard."

"You have your brother's likeness," I said stopping in front of him. "I know what your father is going to ask of you and you must deny his request. The mission he is going to ask you of will claim your life and that of the soldiers you will take with you. Gondor needs their Captain."

"And who are you to ask this?"

"The king's daughter," I replied. "My father is finding more help until he arrives I'm acting in his stead. Will you follow me?"

"Yes, I will follow you," Faramir said. We walked over to Pippen and had a short conversation before being called in to see Denethor. Pippin went to stand by the table and Faramir and I stood side by side. Denethor words were just as harsh as they were in the books and movies. I took Faramir's hand in mine and cut Denethor off before he could wish his son dead.

"It is best to keep the Cidital safe. That's where the people are. Help is coming to us. Keeping as much of your army alive until help comes is priority."

"Who are you to take command away from me?" he asked.

"An heir to the throne, step down," I said pulling Faramir out of the room. Once we were out of the room I turned to Faramir, "I'm sorry about him."

"He was about to say something else to me, what was it?"

"Nothing you need to hear, no parent should talk to their child like that or say the things he was about to say. We need to go to the map room and make plans, the other heads of the guard need to be there was well. I need to know what cities are overrun, the people in the Cidital need to be moved further in. We need to move the guard into the right positions."

Within the hour I found myself in a room along with Faramir and ten other men. All of us discussing the overrun cities. The Cidital was the only place left that hadn't been overrun. "Move the people further in and start looking at escape plans for the women and children. Set a few guards in the watchtowers. We need to know when attacks come and help arrives."

"Rumor is you know the future?" one of the guards asked.

"Yes, in the world I came from this is a story. I can't tell you much in fear of changing how things will end but I will say help will come just in time. They should be here in a few days. Brace the gates on the lower levels, place archers on the top walls. Archers, aim for the trolls, you'll know when the time comes. Don't let them get near the wall, they will be transporting orcs to flood the city. Move the wounded, sick, women, and children further into the city. An attack will come tonight. Make sure your healing station is in a protected area as well."

They all started to move away. "One more thing, make sure you and your men stay away from the flying beast, he'll throw you from a great height." With that everyone left to set my plans in motion. Don't let me down Theodon. I knew he would be here before my dad, I just hoped I hadn't changed things too much.

"Your armour looks as though it's seen better days," Faramir said.

I looked down at what I had been given in Lorien. It was tattered and torn. The only piece that was in good condition was the leather corset. "Yeah, it's seen a few battles already." At least I was still in one piece.

"Our princess can't go into battle like that," Faramir said.

"Take care of the men before me, they're the trained fighters. I'm self-taught. On the battlefield, I'm less valuable than they are. Protect them first."

"You're our leader who can protect our future," Faramir said.

"I'm not saying no, I'm saying make sure no soldier goes without armour because of me. I've had this as armour since I got here, it'll continue to work if there's none to spare." I headed back to my room to take a bath and he went to find out about the armour. Once I was clean I pulled on a pair of leggings and a cotton shirt with my leather corset. I headed back out with my hair braided. So another war would begin. This time I was in command.

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