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Hoseok's POV

As J-Hope, I begin to naturally feel every beat of the song playing as I begin to move my hips. The ladies all scream as they watch me. I'm practically made for this job. Bills of every sort are being thrown on stage. From what I've learned, I've gotta incorporate picking up the money in my routine so that it all flows. I take what I've learned and do a handstand, slowly bringing my body down to grind against the ground. I use that tactic to swiftly grab the money. The screams at this point have become deafening. Wow, they like me.

Crawling closer to the end of the stage, I gets on my knees, still body rolling, and allowing the women in the crowd to touch me through my fishnet top. Soft, warm hands gently caress my chest and I seductively bite my lip to get em riled up a bit. They begin stuffing bills just about anywhere they can on my outfit so that nothing falls out. I shoot winks in every direction, hearing the song come to an end behind me. I dance my way toward the back of the stage, giving them one more body roll before the curtain begins to drop.

"Give it up for your hope, J-Hope everybody!" Yoongi yells over the mic, everyone out in the audience screaming and clapping. "That was just a sneak peek of what he has in store."

It's true. Namjoon informed me that all debuts are short. It's a process of elimination that they call the "weeding-out process". If the audience likes me, I stay. At this moment, it's up to those ladies out there that are paying their money.

"How about it? How do you feel about J-Hope?" I hear nothing but cheers, screams, and claps from behind the curtain as I stay there for their reaction. I'm in. "Alright, alright. We'll be seeing him again Sunday night. Give it up again for J-Hope!"

I happily make my way back into the locker room, being greeted by a good number of the workers. They all applaud me as I grin widely and bow to them. "Thank you so much."

"You killed it out there!" Taehyung praises. "I've never heard screams like that during a debut."

Jungkook smiles and nods. "That dancing background pulled through for you. You're the man."

"I really do appreciate it. Thank you so much." I thank everyone again. "So I guess I'm in?"

"Of course you are." Namjoon nods. "It'd be dumb of us not to have you continue. You're already loved. If you'd like, you're free to go home tonight. And we'll see you again in 2 days."

Everyone begins to scatter out, complimenting me as they disperse. I take a seat at my station, pulling bills out from everywhere. I silently count, my eyes widening at how much I've received in just my first night. Over 300 dollars. For a less than 10 minute performance.

"This is nuts." I say to myself, smiling.

Taehyung plops in the seat next to me and sighs in content. "You honestly were great out there. No kidding. The last time I heard screams that loud from a debut, it was when I started. But mine weren't even that loud."

I chuckle. "Thank you, man. How did you feel after you debuted?"

"I felt like I was on top of the world." Taehyung smiles. "My debut, however, was different than most debuts here."

"Really? How so?" I ask curiously.

"I was actually a secret."

"A secret?"

Taehyung nods. "You saw how during the last week, you got promotion? With Yoongi-hyung telling people to 'stay tuned for a fresh face' and shit like that?"


"Well, Jackson-hyung and I debuted at the same time. But he got promo and I didn't. I was, quote Namjoon-hyung, 'her best kept secret'. I liked the mystery and it worked. I wasn't announced until I had to perform."

"That must have been alot of pressure on you."

"It was, you have no idea."

"But the ladies received you well, I see."

"Unlike any other debut." He smiles. "Until you came along. But every record is meant to be broken. And I'm glad it was you that dethroned me."

I lightly blush, overwhelmed by Taehyung's statement. "Nah, your debut was epic. You still hold the title of the best kept secret. The tactic was amazing. That's something that I can never take away from you."

"Thank you. That means a lot." My phone begins to ring and I see that the caller is Yuri. Taehyung smirks and ah's. "I'll leave you. Gotta get ready to perform myself. If you need me, you know where to find me."

Taehyung quickly disappears and leaves me to my ringing phone. I answer the FaceTime and Yuri pops up. "Hey, Ri."

"You were incredible!" She yells first. "I wish I was there to see that in person! Did you hear all the love you got!? I told you they would love you!"

I chuckle, smiling brightly. "Thank you so much. It was definitely an interesting experience. I'm so happy that it all went well."

"Not to mention those chaps-"

"And there's the Ri I know."

"Oh come on." She giggles. "You knew something like that was coming, dancing man. But really, I'm so impressed. I knew you would pick up on this naturally."

"Beforehand, I psyched myself out when it wasn't even as bad as I imagined. From what I hear, it was the loudest debut."

Yuri nods in agreement. "Yeah. The loudest since Taehyung. And he was a big surprise to everyone. Genius tactic by Seokjin and Namjoon. How do you feel now?"

"Like I'm on cloud nine. It's a whole 'nother experience."

"I'll bet."

"Yuri! Ready to go for breakfast?" A lady in the background yells out.

"Yeah, Auntie! Here I come!" She responds. "Ah, I'd really like to stay and chat, honestly. But as you heard, I've gotta go."

"Of course." I smile at her. "Enjoy your vacation, Ri."

"Thank you. I'll text you soon." She smiles back and ends the call.

There's something about Yuri that I can't quite put my finger on. I have to remind myself that we're just friends and she's "off limits", whatever the hell that means. I am still clueless to the meaning, but I won't overstep any boundaries that I'm not supposed to either. Tucking my money away in my bag, I quickly get dressed and leave the club. It's been a hell of night for me and I luckily get to go home early.


Hi! Here's a quick update while I'm getting ready for work! I'm trying my best to write when I have time but it's so hard because I'm on 2nd shift now. That's literally my whole damn day 🤦🏾 but I am working on updating!

I love the concept of "sneak peek" with his debut performance. Yall know how I love to tease lol. The story is called Strip Tease after all ✊🏾 Okay I'll leave now. Thank you for all the love! 💜💜💜

~S. xx

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