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Hoseok's POV

I take a deep breath as I look in the mirror in front of me. Today is the day I start dancing at the club and I can't stop looking myself over while I'm waiting in the locker room. I've completed all my training, gotten to know ny way around the club a bit, mingled with some coworkers, and now it's time for me to get on the stage. I quickly pull out my phone and send a text.

Hey, I go on in half
an hour. Wish me

It isn't long before my phone is dinging from the response.

Ri 😋:
Awww good luck,
dancing man! Sorry
I'm not there to
cheer you on.
You'll do great!

It's okay! Enjoy your
vacation 😁

Ri 😋:
Tell Kookie to video
call me. I know he's
working today & I
can't miss this 😜

I chuckle at her, stashing my phone into my bag.

"Ready to go on?" I jump as he turn to see Jungkook walking in, drying his forehead with a towel. The younger laughs. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

I just smile back, shaking my head. "It's okay. Just a little nervous is all."

"Ah. The pre-show jitters. We all had it the first few times. Everything will work out just fine. They'll love you out there."

"Thank you, Jungkook."

"Pleasure." Jungkook sits a few seats away from me, pulling all the bills from the band of his thong and arm bands. He doesn't count it, stuffing all of it into his bag. He pulls out his phone, unlocking it and reading what's on the screen. He taps a bit before the FaceTime tone blares. There's an answer on the other line and Jungkook smirks at the phone. "What's up, sexy."

"Not gonna happen, Jungkook." Yuri's voice comes out and I stiffen.

Jungkook chuckles, starting in a whiney tone. "Aww, come on. Just once? There's a reason you had me call you."

"There is a reason, but it isn't to see your dick. I want you to be there watching Hoseok, with me on the phone."

"I never got this special treatment." Jungkook pouts.

Yuri sighs. "That's because I started a month after you. Now stop your whining, baby boy."

"Yes, noona." Jungkook nods obediently.

I can hear the smirking tone in Yuri's voice as she continues. "My good boy. Keep it up and one day you can show your noona what you have in that sexy thong of yours."

"Don't tease me if it isn't gonna happen, Ri." Jungkook continues pouting. "It's early over there. Aren't you jet lag?"

"I'm tired as fuck, it's 6 in the morning, and I don't plan on getting used to this time because I'll be back next week. So I'll live. Is Hoseok nearby?"

"Yeah." Jungkook looks toward me and nods at me to come over.

I softly sigh, but get up and walk over to the phone. "Hey Ri."

"Goddamn, dancing man. You didn't tell me you were wearing a fishnet tank. I'm ready to jump through the phone."

"Well you didn't ask either." I smirk and chuckle. "Too bad you can't see my chaps."

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