Start from the beginning

"The cunning showed me something, a vision" she stares at us as Susie fidgets with her hands.

"My aunt Dorothea wrote about you in her journals, she said the Spellmans were a family of witches" she says quietly.

I force a smile, "well that's just...that's just..." I stammer.

Sabrina sighs, "we wanted to tell you guys so many times, but--but how could we? And now Harvey knows everything--" she tears up as i look at Susie regretfully and she shakes her head lightly.

"Harvey knows?" Roz creases her brows.

Sabrina nods, "It's over, he broke up with me" she cries.

"What, why?" Susie asks and I step closer.

"Because of everything, all the lying, we've been hiding this whole other life, going to a different school" I explain, my mind spinning.

"What do you mean?" Roz asks, looking between us and i chuckle dryly to stop my eyes from watering, "a school for witches".

"But we're still the same people, even after what happened with Tommy" I whisper.

Susie looks between us nervously, "Guys?".

"We did it, we resurrected Tommy. We wanted to help but then he came back all wrong and it's all our fault and Harvey--Harvey had to kill him" Sabrina cries.

They gasp, "oh my god" Susie breathes out and they pull us into a group hug.

I squeeze Susie's shoulder, "I'm sorry i lied, I thought i could keep you away from it" a tear slips down my cheek.

She rubs my back, "no, I'm sorry for avoiding you, I was just scared" she sniffles.

"We never meant to hurt or lie to you guys, we're so sorry" Sabrina breathes out.

Roz squeezes us tightly, "we will always be here for you guys".

Students whisper as i walk through the halls of the Academy.

They know about the failed resurrection.

A girl looks at me, snickering and i snap.

"What? What's your problem, huh!?" I raise my voice as someone grabs my arm.

"You need to calm down" Jamie whispers, noticing how my attention has doubled.

I turn back to the girl as she looks at me with wide eyes and I look away, "get me out of here" I mumble.

Jamie nods and in the blink of an eye we're outside the school.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks as we sit on the stairs.

I shrug, "news travels fast huh?" I laugh dryly, "we were only trying to do the right thing" I bury my head in my hands.

"Hey, what happened to that badass i used to know?" He rests his hand on my shoulder.

I look up at him tiredly, "she messed up" I deadpan.

POISON IVY❖Theo Putnam (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now