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10:30 am
"HURRY UP!" jotaro screamed out. he was so eager to see kakyoin even though it was just ten thirty. "HURRY UP! HURRY UP! HURRY UP!" he repeated rolling around on his futon. his impatience was getting worse and he couldn't do anything. well i could just go to school and see him... jotaro thought, now really considering of going. nonetheless, he continued screaming and rolled around on the ground.

without his notice, kakyoin was there in shock. what the hell is going on?! he thought still trying to make sense of what he was witnessing. he had just gotten back from buying gorgeous flowers, and is welcomed with this? he was just shocked but puzzled at the same time. this was the second time of weirdness from jotaro in a row, now fearing what would happen tomorrow. "hey jotaro...?" kakyoin shyly asked, as he stood by the entrance of jotaro's room. almost ready to run off.

immediately this perked up jotaro as he swiftly turned his head around to see his red hair friend. has his impatience grown for him seeing kakyoin? it was impossible for his friend to be here. it was still ten! "hey, are you ok? you seem to be annoyed with something..." kakyoin said, deciding to take a step inside.

jotaro shadowed his eyes, making his way over to kakyoin. "i know my presence is very sudden. sorry if i startled you... if you want i could l-l-leave?" kakyoin stuttered, feeling his face flush as jotaro got closer to him. puzzled by the sudden approach, jotaro lightly touched the tip of his red bang.

"is it really you?" jotaro spoked, with seriousness in his tone. making kakyoin reconsidering in coming to jotaro's house, instead of staying at school or heading home. with a slight hesitation, kakyoin managed to nod in confirming it was him. along with a nervous smile, what else was he supposed to do? in seconds jotaro... hugged kakyoin? this was unusual for the delinquent who disliked psychical contact.

"um..." kakyoin struggled to understand. as much as the hug seemed nice. "is everything ok-"

"I MISSED YOU!" jotaro shouted, interjecting kakyoin. strengthening the hug and aching kakyoin's ears. he was loud that's for sure.

"h-huh?" was all kakyoin managed to say. this was very out of the ordinary. especially if it was jotaro, who was quiet and only made a stand to prove a point. or when defeating an enemy stand of course. "did you really missed me?" kakyoin shyly asked, feeling his face heat up. "t-t-that much..?" he added, slightly whispering.

"of course! i couldn't stop thinking about you, and i really wanted to see you." this has to be a dream. kakyoin thought. this was too much. the more he tried to understand, the more his face began to burn. jotaro? missing him? hell, this has to be a dream. "sorry for yelling," he spoke again loosening the hug to see kakyoin face to face. woah he really is attractive... kakyoin stared at jotaro's blue eyes. "and squeezing you- wait! why are you here? shouldn't you be at school? it's still morning!"

"oh um... about that uh....i got out early." kakyoin replied, now remembering how early it still was. he had almost forgotten he left school earlier. at least he wouldn't have to deal with any girl confession letters today.

he left early? jotaro thought, puzzled. "why?" he queried, now concerned if something bad had happened to kakyoin during school.

"my history teacher thought i might have had a fever..." kakyoin slowly replied, feeling embarrassed. especially since jotaro was up close to his face, carrying a worried and confused expression.

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