The Date (Pt. 1)

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"I think you've forgotten who I work for," he said matter-of-factly.  He then pulled out his wallet, and showed you his S.H.I.E.L.D. license.  You suddenly blushed with embarrassment.  Of course!  You had completely forgotten about S.H.I.E.L.D. paying for his meal.  You sighed inwardly, and continued looking at your menu.

 You settled for a heaping bowl of pasta and meatballs; your absolute favorite.  Steve bought a plate-full of salad, which earned him an eye-roll from you.  Always trying to stay healthy.  Of course, he hadn't told you about the humongous cake he had bought for dessert:  a rich chocolate, covered with thick cholate frosting, sprinkled with chocolate flavored flakes.  He knew you all too well.

 The cake was absolutely delicious, and you were absolutely sure you had gotten chocolate frosting all over your face.  You quickly grabbed for a napkin, but Steve's hand stopped you.  You looked up at him, slightly confused, then jerked as you were pulled into what your brain thought was a kiss.  Was it?  Could you be kissing him right now?

But, you were.  Leaning over the table, probably getting chocolate crums all over your dress, but you didn't care.  He was a great kisser!  He was gentle, and not over-passionate.  You attempted to return the kiss, but with your sloppy lips, you only succeeded in ruining the perfect moment.  You heard Steve gag on all the spit you had produced, and shrank back in your chair, suddenly terrified.  That was the most embarrassing thing ever!  Why did you have to ruin it?

You heard footsteps behind you, and someone pulled you out of your seat.  You didn't complain.  You just took the offered hand and walked away, not looking at anything but your shoes.  All the way home, you were like this.  You couldn't risk looking at him.  You'd probably cry!  Why did you have to mess it up?

Steve suddenly stopped, and you dared to look up at him.  The look of pleasant indifference caused tears to start splashing down your cheeks, as you had expected.  He was so accepting about this, so kind, not allowing himself to be angry at you.  You had failed your first kiss!  He'd probably dump you now...on your first date, no less.

Steve turned to you and held your hands together with one hand, and wiped your cheek with his other hand.  You had the utter guts to look him in the eyes as he did this.  Tears kept pouring down your face, but Steve just wiped them away.  Finally, he spoke.

"Want to try it again?" He asked cautiously.  You almost felt better when you thought you heard a hint of nervousness in his comment.  Then the shock stopped your tears.  He wanted to try again?  He was giving you another chance?  Well, you thought, might as well take the option.

You squeezed your eyes shut, determined to let him lead this time.  You felt his breath before his lips touched yours.  You once again felt the urge to return the intimate kiss, but you held back.  You wouldn't ruin it!

(So, your kiss basically looked like you standing there with your eyes squeezed shut while Steve rubbed his lips all over yours.  A pretty pathetic sight, if you ask me)

But, when Steve slowly put a hand behind your head, you couldn't help yourself.  Slowly, you opened your lips, and tried to move with his rhythmn.  You did much better this time, matching your kiss with his almost perfectly.  Soon, you almost fell asleep with the steady rhythmn, but at the same time, you were sparking with electric hormones.

When Steve finally broke off, you looked at him questioningly, asking with yours eyes Was that better?  Steve smiled brightly, and wrapped you in a huge hug.  You hugged back, leaning your head against his heaving chest.  You'd remember this moment forever.

Tony (finally)-

 Let's get real for a second:  Your usual attire was "dressy/casual."  You always tried to look your best, but didn't always succeed.  Some days, you were Miss America, but other days you looked like you rolled out of bed and said "Screw it."  Overall, however, you did look quite nice.  People would sometimes turn around to stare for a while as you strutted away in your red pumps.  You didn't mind the attention, but sometimes you thought it was a bit unnecessary.

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