His Favorite Things (Instrument, Style of Music, Color, and Animal)

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Steve- You and Steve had been hanging out for over two weeks now, and you loved every bit of it.  You realized that you had some things in common, but mostly were polar opposites.  This led to serious debates about ridiculous things, like what was better:  Chocolate, or Mint ice cream?  Peanut Butter or Nutella?  Captain America or Iron Man?  He laughed at that one.  You laughed, and put your hand on his.  He stopped short, and looked at his hand.  When he looked back up, you smiled.

"I know which one I would pick."  Then, you ran out the door, laughing.  He started chasing you, and a game of tag was born in the lot.  You stopped lots of cars, but you didn't care.  You were best friends.  Forever.

After the first two weeks, you had learned at least four things about him:

-His favorite instrument was the Electric Bass.  They weren't around when he was alive, and he loved the sound.

-Since he had started living in the 21st century, his favorite style of music was Country.

-His favorite color was white.  It meant purity and loveliness.  To him, anway.

-And his favorite animal was a lioness.  Lions were great, but lionesses had their own kind of bravery.  Sometimes, he would call you a lioness.

Tony- Tony had been a pain in your side since Day one.  And you loved him for it.  Every day, it was either a romantic dinner at the most expensive Italion restaurant, or taking a romantic picnic out to a park, and staying there till midnight.  He really was a show-off.

You had had many conversations with him, and during one, you had asked him four questions.

"Tony?" You ask politely.

"Yeah, babe?" He asked not-so-politely.  You punch his arm.

"I have some questions for you."  He nods, and you continue.

"Okay, so, what's your favorite instrument?" He pauses, thinking, and smirks.

"I'm pretty sick on a trap set."  You giggle at his slang.

"Okay, what's your favorite kind of music?"  Tony smirks again.

"I think that's obvious.  Rock 'n' Roll, baby!"  He imitates a rock guitar.  You laugh.  It was true.  He would blast music from the 90's from the moment you arrived to the moment you left, and probably more than that.

"Alright, well, what's your favorite color?"  He laughs at that one.

"That's real romantic!  But, I'd have to say a nice bright purple."  You smile softly at him.  You shared the same favorite color.

"Okay, last one," you say.  He rubs his hands together.

"Bring it on!"

"What's your favorite animal?"  He looks up at you.

"Want to see?"  You look curiously at him, and he smiles and takes your hand.  You get pulled along, and you have just enough time to grab the picnic basket before running after him.  You walk all the way to Stark Tower, at your request.  Normally, Tony would pull a whole "Iron Man" magic trick and fly you there, but you liked a nice walk.

When you arrived at the Tower, he hurried you to the penthouse, and pointed at a small bowl on a side table.  You look down, and laugh.  It was a little goldfish.

Bruce-   Bruce and you clicked so well, you didn't know anyone else who could top it.  You could have been twins, for all you knew.  Unfortunately, Bruce took that seriously, and took a DNA test.  Apparently, you weren't twins.  You had gave him a big hug, and told him that that was a good thing.

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