He Asks You Out

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Steve-  The weeks that went by were the happiest and most exciting of your life!  It was a shame they had gone by so quickly.

As you had found out, Steve had a motorcycle, and one day asked you to ride with him.  You were excited and a bit nervous, and you hadn't been on a motorcycle before.  He handed you a helmet, and you strapped it on quickly.  You squeezed his waist, causing him to grunt, then laugh a little.  The engine rumbled, and you buried your face in his shoulder.  Then, you started moving, and you didn't want to be anywhere else!

The feeling was amazing!  The wind whipping your hair, stinging your face, grabbing at your jacket.  You didn't hold on as tight.  Instead, you grabbed his shoulders and looked behind you.  You were speeding down the road, swerving around holes and cracks in the road.  You turned back, and kissed Steve's ear. You laughed when the tip of his ear blushed red.  He didn't look at you, nor did he make any comment.  He just let you enjoy the ride.

You drove for another five minutes before your behind started to ache, so you stopped underneath a tree in a park.  You laid on the soft grass, and breathed in the sweet scent of the tree.  You heard Steve rummaging behind you, but you didn't turn.  The sun was warming your face, you were wearing your favorite shirt, and you were with Steve.  What could be better?

Suddenly, Steve's face appeared above yours.  You giggled as he poked your nose.

"Hey," he almost whispered.  "I think you're pretty great."  You blushed a little, and pushed him off. 

"Yeah, I'm pretty great," you say back.  He rolls his eyes, but you sense that he's a bit uncomfortable.  You look at him, a bit concerned.  Finally, he looks up at you.

"...I was..just wondering if, um...if you wanted, maybe, to...well," he stuttered, but you waited patiently.  He stopped stuttering and just sat there for a good five minutes.  You starting fidgeting a litte, so he blurted it all out.

"You want to go out tomorrow?" You gasp a little, and stare at him with wide eyes.  He's blushing hysterically and tries to look away.

"No, it probably doesn't," he tried, but you grabbed his arm.  With him being so strong, that didn't do much, and he accidentally lifted you to your feet.  He turned, stunned, and you pecked a kiss on his nose.

"I should rightly think so," you state clearly, wrapping your arms around his neck.  He finally smiles, and hugs you tightly.  You hug back, kind of disappointed that you didn't get a kiss back.

Tony-  At this point, you knew that Tony liked to show off.  A lot.  Every day, he was at your doorstep, on his knees, holding out a flowery bouquet of chocolate flowers, with a gummy butterfly to top it.  You would refuse to let him in, grab the flowers, and slam the door in his face, then lean against the door and sigh happily.

He didn't seem phased by the constant door-slamming, nor the constant rejections.  He would still show up every morning at nine a.m. sharp.  And you kind of liked it.  First of all, it got you up every morning.  Second, you got to see him every morning.  Third, you got to show him your feisty side every morning.  It was a nice routine.

But, you didn't want it to always be this way.  Someday, you hoped that you two could get together and maybe spend more time together.  After all, who wouldn't want to hang with the famous Iron Man?!

You were thinking about this over a piece of peanut-buttered toast when that familiar knock came at your door.  Chuckling to yourself, you get up and walk to the door.  But when you open it, he's not kneeling.  He's not wearing a suit.  There's no bouquet of candy anywhere in sight.  It's just him.  And for the first time, he looks nervous.

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