CHAPTER 11 [whats his problem]

Start from the beginning

"So, you know about me and Jonah, tell us about you and Zach" Tate says to Kay and Molly instantly rolls her eyes and I hold back a laugh. "It was nice, no funny business" Kay shrugs, "what so you didnt even kiss" Molly asks her, "oh look who's actually interested, I thought he wasnt good enough for me" Kay pushes Mollys buttons, "he's not" Molly says bluntly and Kay just rolls her eyes, "anyway, I dont mind that we didnt kiss" Kay says, "what why" Gabbie asks confused, "because it shows that he actually does care about me" Kay drects towards Molly and Molly lets out a loud laughs beofr eocvering her mouth, "sorry" she laughs.

"If you're going to keep talking bad on Zach then whats the point of me even being here" Kay says to Molly, "doors over there" Molly laughs, "no, no ones going, Kay relax and Molly shush" Gabbie says to both of them and they just shrug in their place. "I'm getting tired of all this fighting guys" Tate groans, "lets just not talk about it" I try to change the subject and it seems to have worked. "So you and Daniel" Kay asks and I cant help but laugh, "what" I finaly get out despite not being able to stop laughing at the possibility of me and Daniel. "He totally has the hots for you" Gabbie states, "no, we're just friends" I clarify, "didnt look like you were just friends when you kissed" Tate shrugs, "true, thats was some kiss Grace" Molly smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Nothing is going on between me and Daniel" I state, "fine" Kay holds her hands up, "his eyes wouldnt leave you at all ths morning though" Tate teases and I throw a pillow at her to make her shut up. "Someones touchy" Tate laughs as she removes the pillow from her face, "tell me about touchy" Gabbie mumbles, "right whats happened, you and Jack didnt even look at eachoother this morning" Kay turns to Gabbie and I'm instantly confused. I hadn't even noticed, but Jack did seem to be in a mood all morning.

"I dont know, last night when we went bed he literally went straight to sleep, he didnt even tak to me" she rolls her eyes, "why" I ask genuinly wanting to know, "thats the thing, I have no idea!" Gabbie huffs, "oh and then this morning when I asked him about it he fucking went off on one" Gabbie almost shouts, "whats his problem" Molly laughs, "I have no clue, he's been off for the past few days now" Gabbie groans. Maybe Daniel wasnt the only person that noticed, he said Jacks been tense since I came back but now Jack seems to be taking it out on Gabbie. "When we're with everyone else, he's fine but when its just me and him, hes so fucking touchy" Gabbie says, "what no sex" Tate asks which makes Gabbie laugh a little.

"Nope, no sex" Gabbie admits, "he's got some serious problems then, all guys think about is sex" Tate shrugs, "maybe just talk to him abut it Gabs" Kay says after realising that Gabbie is getting upset about this now, "I try, it just turns into an arguement" Gabbie looks down. I look over and Molly and she seems to be thinking the same as me. Jacks been off since I got back and me being here is only making Gabbie's and Jacks relationship worse. It isnt fair and I have to fix it, I dont care if I have to scream at him for it to happen. "Maybe just give him some space Gabs" Molly suggests, "yeah, I'm gonna just do that, I dont have any effort to argue with him anymore" Gabbie says and I can tell this is really bothering her. Jack is really bothering her and I'm bothering Jack. I cant help but blame myself for this.

"That was wierd" Molly laughs after shutting the door behind Tate, she was the last to leave. "Which part, the idea that our high school friends are dating and new friends or the Gabbie and Jack bit" I laugh trying to lighten the mood, "both" Molly laughs as she jumps onto my couch, "you really arent cool with Kay and Zach being a thing are you" I ask her wanting an honest answer. She shakes her head no, "at first it was because I know he isnt good for her but now it just makes me feel wierd to think of them together" she admits, "you're jealous Mols" I point out, "nope, Zach can rot in hell" Molly says and I roll my eyes as I sit next to her.

Molly wont admit that she's jealous because she's too proud. I know her Molly better than anyone and I know this is bothering her, she wouldnt sacrifice a friendship if it didnt mean anything to her. Sure, she'll just blame it on how she hates Zach and wants to 'ruin' things for him but she wouldn't want to risk loosing Kay in the process since they've been friends ever sine she first came to LA with her mum. The only person that kknows her as well as I do is Zach and I think even he can tell she's jealous otherwise he wouldnt bother with trying to make her jealous with Kay all the time.

"Jacks throwing a hissy fit because of you, you know that right" Molly says, I groan at the mention of Jacks name, "enough with Jack, I dont want to hear his name, see him, speak to him to even fucking be associated with him anymore" I say getting annoyed, "he seems to be having the same effect on you I see" Molly points out, "its just" I pause for a second, "everyone keep telling me how much he's changed since I came back and constantly asking me if I'm okay, like I dont care" I almost shout, "you clearly do" Molly shrugs, "I dont" I roll my eyes, "yes you do" Molly says and I look over at her, "you have never cared about anyone more than Jack and now he's got a girlfriend you've realised you still have a fuck tonne of feelings for him" Molly shouts out, "i told you to take your chance whilst you still had it after you left your mum and Spencer" Molly says, "you're the same with Zach" I mumble and Mollys face drops, "so what, we can be sad and depressed together" she laughs finally and pulls me into a hug.

Well, at least we've come to a conclusion together.

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