Chapter 14

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Hey there guys/girls. Sorry this chapter took a while. I just started school again and I've been very busy with schoolwork and stuff. Anyway, without any further delay, here is chapter 14.

David: "Wait, what?! The base is under attack by Sirens?!"

Kaga: "Yes. We should head back to base and help the others."

David: "Alright, let's head back."

The three then headed back to the port. When they got there, they saw the port getting destroyed by the Siren fleet. The three then went to the main building, only to see it burning. They then saw people trying to help the others that were trapped inside the building.

David: "OK, you two head to the battlefield and help the other shipgirls defend the port, I'll try and help the people that are trapped inside the building."

Kaga & Akagi: "Yes sir!"

The two then headed towards the battlefield and David stayed to help the people trapped in the building.

David: "Hello sir, is there anything I can do to help?"

Random person: "Yeah, commander Alex and Harry are still trapped inside."

David then rushed into the burning building and headed towards their offices. When he got to Alex's office, he saw Alex passed out on the floor. David then carried him and headed towards Harry's office. When he got there, the door was locked.

David:"Harry! Are you in there?!" David yelled.

Harry: "Yeah, I'm still here."

David: "OK then, step away from the door."

David then kicked the door open.

David: "Cmon Harry, let's go!"

Both Harry and David then went out of the burning building while carrying Alex on his shoulders. They made it out just in time because as soon as they got out, the doorway in the building collapsed. They then set Harry down. A medic came to check on his condition.

David: "Is he still alive?" David asked worriedly.

Medic: "Yes, he is still alive, but he needs serious treatment right away. I'll take him to the infirmary."

Harry: "I'm coming with you. I want to make sure he's alright. David, you head to the command center and help the girls any way you can."

David: "Alright."

David then headed towards the command center.


Akagi and Kaga just arrived at the docks and there they saw many of the shipgirls wounded. Those who were not wounded were out there fighting.

Kaga: "Is everyone here alright?"

Vestal: "Yes, no one here is severely damaged. Akashi and I will tend to any wounded here. You two should help  the others fight."


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