Fire shot through my veins from his hand connecting with mine. A feeling I thought was from morphine the first time I'd seen him. It was because he had held my hand in the hospital.

I jerked my hand back, my breath had gone ragged. Closing my eyes I counted backwards. Then looked at him. 

He was blinking frantically, fidgeting with his hands. He felt it too.

No…. It's nothing. Just brush it off.

"Y/N, I'll do my best to be your best friend"
He said a little breathlessly.

I nodded giving a small smile. 

We walked out the room a little awkwardly. He kept looking at me with curious eyes, and it was making me feel giddy. I didn't like it, or did I.

"Y/N! Do you like lasagna?" Asked an excited Hobi when he saw Yoongi with me.

"Of course" I laughed at his goofiness. 

Namjoon pulled me into a hug, and smiled at Yoongi. 
"Glad you decided to come back out." 

Yoongi sighed heavily as he sank into a chair at the table. 
"Yea, you needed to be blessed with my greatness." He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes at the comment. Which he saw, and squinted his eyes at me. 

Namjoon retorted, "yea… that's totally it."

The two of them bickered back and forth for a bit. While Hobi danced around the little kitchen cooking. It smelled so good, and I was definitely hungry. 

"Need any help Hoseok?" I asked. 

"Please, call me Hobi." 


" and you can set the table if you want. Dishes are in the cabinet above the microwave." He gestured to his right.

After the table was set, Hobi realized there wasn't enough room. He really didn't think things through. 

"Uh…. I'll sit on the couch…" said Yoongi as he made himself a plate. I watched him curiously. Hobi made an unpleasant sound, then slouched down in the chair. Namjoon threw his hands up.

"I'll sit with Yoongi." He sauntered over to the couch, tripping and dropping his whole plate on Yoongi's head. Yoongi jumped up frantically wiping at his head. "Aaargh… Shiit!!" 

He ran off into the bathroom slamming the door shut. 

Hobi and I stared at the door then back at Namjoon who was carefully picking up the mess. "How is it you can save lives, but you can't walk to a couch 5 feet away without some sort of disaster?" Hobi asked shaking his head as he grabbed a broom and dust pan.

"You think he's okay?" I asked concerned.

"I don't think it was that hot…" 

"Not the point.." I mumbled walking over to the door. Right next to the door was a piece of news paper taped up with duct tape.

That's odd….

Tapping on the door, I pressed my ear to it. 

"Yoongi? Are you okay…" 

I could hear the water running from the sink, and it sounded like he was shuffling around.

"Yoongi?" I called again. 

The door opened and a red face squinty eyed Yoongi walked out.

"Clumsy fuck…" he groaned walking past me to sit down at the table. Hobi dumped the mess in the trashcan, then patted Yoongi on the shoulder.

"Ya good?"

Yoongi nodded as he made himself another plate, handing Hobi one as well. They both started eating, Yoongi shovelled mouthful after mouthful, and Hobi leaned against the counter taking small bites.

I shrugged making myself a plate then sitting down across from Yoongi at the table.

Namjoon sat on the floor, eating the plate Yoongi had that was sitting on the coffee table.

"So…. How do you guys know each other?" I asked attempting to break up the silence.

"Yoongi and I have known each other since high school, and I met Namjoon in college." Hobi said, and the other two nodded. 

"Namjoon also helped Yoongi get me out of a bad relationship."

"I remember you telling the group about two friends helping you. It's so great that you had them." I smiled.

Yoongi stared at me, and I glanced at Namjoon who was glaring at Yoongi. He looked like he wanted to pounce. So at that point I figured it was time to leave. The tension was growing and it seemed like it was all over spilt lasagna, and something else.

--------- Namjoon-----

Y/N pushed him out into the hallway after they had said their goodbyes. She seemed to be in a hurry to leave and he was okay with it. 

"You okay JoonBug?" She asked as she weaved her fingers with his. He smiled at her and nodded.

He was a little irritated but he wasn't going to tell her that. Yoongi kept staring at her the whole times like a puppy. A puppy that wanted a bone. 

Not that Y/N was a bone. It just made him feel possessive of her, and want to just hold her tight and glare at him. He was his friend though. 

He wouldn't try to steal her from him. Would he?

Namjoon wasn't sure. Perhaps, they shouldn't hang out with Yoongi for a while. Stopping suddenly he turned Y/N towards him, taking her chin in his forefinger and thumb, bringing her face to where their noses were touching.

"I want to kiss you now." He said matter of factly. Leaning in closer kissing her hard. 

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