Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

God, if there is something I've done to upset you, could you please let me know how I can correct it so I can escape this hell I have been banished to? I closed my eyes and prayed that this was all a bad dream, that I was still in bed. My eyelids were squeezed so tight I thought they might rip open. I was really hoping to enjoy my overtime shift without any hitches so I could redeem myself at least a little.

I took a long deep breath before opening my eyes, hoping to be the only one in the elevator. I glanced around only to be disappointed.

"Looking for me?" Tom said with a smirk.

A beastly groan escaped my throat and I swear people could hear me all around the mall. I swear running from this guy is as useful as taking Tylenol after getting hit by a train.

Tom covered his ears, doing that stupid suction cup trick as if the echoing of my groan had clogged them. "Jesus woman!" He shouted. "I'm not that bad."

My head almost ripped off its top vertebrate I whipped that bitch around so fast. "Excuse me?" I shouted. "If you spent a day with yourself you'd be high fiving Juliet for stabbing herself with such precision and wishing you could get perfect knife choice tips just so you could do the same."

Tom covered his heart and scoffed. "That hurts me right to the soul." To top it all off, he sniffled. Yes, sniffled. His face was all screwed up like a prune as he held back fake tears.

"Oh come off it!" I shouted, fed up with his presence beyond comprehension.

"I could," He said, thoughtfully. "If you'd help me."

When it truly sunk in what he just said, I stared at him gaping. I can't believe he really just said that! And he wonders why I can't stand him already.

Suddenly, he burst out laughing. "If you could see your face." He struggled to say as he kept on laughing like the freaking Joker. "But honestly, would you help me?" He added before going into another fit of laughter.

"What? Is this elevator stuck or something? I'm only going to the next floor!" I screamed, sounding a little helpless might I add and I was. Trying to cope with Tom's presence was like trying to get the Pope to board with Satan himself.

Tom bit his lip before reaching out to the buttons and pressing the one for the next floor. "Maybe if you had pressed the button when you got in, you could be out of here already." He stated smugly. Ooh how I wanted to sock him something only Muhammad Ali could rival.

A minute later the doors to the elevator were opening revealing the second floor. I made a hard right out of the metal box and stalked my way to the food court, weaving my way through the crowd that was building up. After all, it is Saturday.

I could hear Tom calling after me, telling me to slow down. But I didn't look back. I didn't make any sign that he might be talking to me in the slightest. There were plenty of females going the same direction as me at the same speed if not just about. He could be talking to any of us and I was determined for none of the guesses to be me.

"Oh my God!" A shrill voice screamed. "I-it's Tom!"

I slowed my pace as I listened hard above the buzz of the mall to hear what Tom's punishment from above was for pestering me. I pretended to be waiting for someone, checking my phone and looking around, as I listened.

"Tom!" The shrill voice hollered. "Over here! Can I get a picture with you?"

"Sorry, but no." Tom said curtly. "I'm actually looking for someone."

"Oh please! One picture won't hurt!" The fan squealed. "I don't bite! Much."

I heard her cackle like some witch and the sound of it made me gag. Good Lord she sounded like a dying cat! I stepped aside as a woman passed by me, pushing a stroller. Tom started talking lower than before and all I could hear was the tone of his voice and I could tell he was annoyed with the clingy fan. Hm, maybe he'll know how I feel and leave me alone from now on.

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