When Stars Collide

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(A/N): Hey-yo, hey all! Lol so this is just a little fun something I felt like putting together in essence of how me and one of my beasties write stories together. I don't have a particular line for it, and quite honestly I don't even know what I want to happen past the first few paragraphs. I'm too lazy to come up with character names and such so I'm using my friends and it's names as the characters are basically us anyway. But if you're looking for something fun and cliched with all that Tokio Hotel spice in it, here's your fanfic! ....I guess. Just run with me okay? Lol

Chapter One

I ran as fast as I could. My feet crashing into the pavement one after the other. I pushed on even though my throat and chest ached from breathing so heavily. My body was just about ready to give put I kept going.

Sweat poured down my face and back, making my body glimmer in the sun light but I didn't care. I had to keep pushing on. I couldn't stop now. I only had a few more feet to go. Just a few more seconds.

When I finally crossed my mark I nearly fell over with relief. I gasped, trying to regain my breath. I bent over and picked up my water bottle. A cool sensation exploded in my chest making breathing much easier. I capped the bottle and rested it down back in its spot before continuing on a moderate paced walk to get my body cooled down some before I called it quits.

Fifteen minutes later I was sprawled out in the middle of the field, sweat still pouring off of me but my breathing at a normal pace. I sighed as I closed my eyes, milking the state of peace before I had to get in the car and make the trek back home.

I glanced at my phone and groaned. It was eight in the morning. I was guaranteed to be caught in the traffic of people trying to get to work on time with no such luck.

I slowly got up off the field and walked over to the car. I tossed my water bottle in the passenger seat and proceeded to do a few stretches before I got to driving.

Before I could even pull fully out of the lot, some idiot nearly swiped off the front of my car with his stupid Ford Focus. I blew the horn at him, gave him the finger, and proceeded on with my drive.

Once I was finally back to my apartment building I could practically feel the filth building more and more by the second. I tossed my keys onto the kitchen counter and sped over to the bathroom for a quick shower.

The bathroom door was closed. I went to turn the knob but it was locked. "Amber!" I shouted. "Get your ass out of the bathroom!"

"Make me!" She shouted back.

I groaned in frustration. "Come on man, I gotta get in there, you know if I'm not ready there is no way you're going to get to work on time."

"Who says I want to be on time?"

"I do, if you don't want to get kicked out! You know what the boss said, one more day late this week and you're fired."

It was silent. I could hear my heart beating in my ears as I waited for her to say or do something. "Please don't let this girl make us late." I thought to myself.

After a few minutes of silence I sighed heavily and turned to walk away, maybe I'd watch some tv. Just as I was about to turn the corner into the living room the bathroom door opened. "Took you long enough, don't you think?"

Amber rolled her eyes, an insufficient task be that she had one half closed as she dried her hair with a towel. "Cut your bitching," She replied. "At least I'm ready. We just gotta wait for you Miss I Want To Be Healthy Today."

"Whatever." I sighed as I pushed past her and headed into the bathroom. I showered quickly before making a mad dash to my room to put on my uniform (a stylish red polo and black bottoms accompanied by a lovely black hat, note the sarcasm).

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