Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

We got dressed quickly and made it to the venue just as the last few people were straggling inside. "Hurry up before they close the doors!" Deni shouted as she hopped out of the car and took off running before I had enough come to a complete stop.

"Move it, fat ass!" Amber shouted as she ran after Deni.

I sighed heavily as I put the car in park and got out begrudgingly. Something inside me was telling me I wasn't going to like the outcome of this at all."Father God Almighty let this all go down without a hitch." I murmured to myself before moving as fast as my platform wedges would allow me to.

It was already getting hot inside as the other girls chattered in the most mind numbing buzz of sound I've ever been exposed to. I can already tell I'm going to have one hell of a bad time. I sent out another silent prayer as I followed Deni and Amber through the crowd. They weaved between swarms of fangirls with raunchy signs and outfits to match. Some of them were pretty civilized though. They had clothes for the most part and instead of sneering and waiting for Amber to push them aside like exhibit A, instead they kindly stepped out of the way.

We managed to get all the way up to the front, right up against the blockade. I leaned my arms on the metal structure, happy to have my own little bit of space. The security guard I front of me gave me a short nod and a barely noticeable, knowing smile. I took it as him saying, "Bask in the space while you can because as soon as the boys come out, space will become a given."

I gulped heavily and sighed. I sure hope this was worth the money I spent on this damn ticket.

Suddenly the lights went out and if I thought that the initial buzz was terrible to listen to, the collective scream I heard was like sitting in a large warehouse full of chalkboards being scratched. I literally could feel my soul dying more and more by the second.

"Hello Hartford!" I could hear Bill shouting.

As if my ears weren't being tortured enough, the scream became even more high pitched. To make it worse, Deni had joined in. I looked over to Amber, hoping to find one grasp on my sanity but alas that was shattered too when I saw the horror of her screaming along. Am I the only one that has a grip to hold on to in here?!

Silence filled the dark arena before the lights went up and the band started playing their first song, Noise. The girls screamed as one by one the boys were revealed, ending with Bill who walked out slowly onto the stage sending the girls into an uproar. When he got to the chorus they all began to sing along, off key might I add from some of the people around me.

I glanced up at the security guard in front of me as I covered my ears from the offensive sound. He had his large arms crossed over his chest and shades on, shielding his eyes, but I could tell he was looking dead at me. His head bowed a little and a small smile appeared on his face, his shoulders shaking briefly. I gasped as I realized he was laughing, and at me nonetheless. That ass!

As the first song ended, Bill came to the high point of the stage in full view of everyone, his image blown up on the various megatrons. "Hartford, Connecticut!" He shouted. "Welcome to the Humanoid City! Tonight, we are all connected. For this one night we are all connected." The lights flashed as he began to sing the next song. The crowd vibrated with life, the energy levels rising in the room.

The band continued on playing song after song. I avoided eye contact with the security guard who continued to laugh at me at various times like when I ended up squished against the gate. Bill and Georg came to the edge of the stage. I was scratched and pulled on as girls tried to force their way past me. Which I don't quite understand because the gates keep us a whole three feet or so away from the stage. It's not like they were going to jump down and touch us.

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