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[name]'s POV:

Let the games begin.

Or at least, for the dramatic effect, that's how I wanted it to go.

The brunette from before objected, "You can't send one of us home! We just got here. Even if it wasn't the first day, that isn't fair."

"Oh, and you think natural disasters are?" Another gasp. Both Hitoshi and I saw this coming. We had heard this speech before, and took it to heart. "Or power hungry villains? Hm? Or catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities? No. The world is filled with unfairness. It's a hero's job to try and combat that unfairness. If you want to be a pro, you're gonna have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years, UA will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So go beyond, plus ultra style. Show me it's no mistake that you're here."

I could feel the slight fear and excitement radiating off of the other students.

"Now then, we're just wasting time by talking. Let the games begin."

That son of a gun. He took my line. How come his sounds so much more dramatic? I slightly wilted against Hitoshi, earning a concerned glance. Then he realized that I must be doing something weird in my mind again and let it go.

Test One- 50 Meter Dash

A robot was announcing for this event, also doubling as the timer.

First up was a girl that looked like a frog and the navy haired boy from earlier. They blasted off, respectively getting great times. 3.04 seconds for the boy and 5.58 seconds for the girl.

It was me and Hitoshi up next. I'm pretty sure Sho-chan was putting us together on purpose, knowing that we'd push each other forward.

"You're going down, son," I shot Hitoshi a playful glare as I joked around.

"Um, obviously, it's not like I can use my quirk in any of these events."

"You got this."





I shot water from my palms, my hands facing in the direction behind me. I did a very high water pressure to get me going fast.

"1.78 seconds!" and then, "5.67 seconds!"

"Hitoshi, you did so much better than in junior high. I hope you can feel my pride," I shed proud tears.

I saw Sho-chan send Hitoshi a look that meant 'control her'. That happens a lot.

Hitoshi grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the crowd of students, "You're the one to talk, Miss 1 Second."

"It was 1.78."

"Whatever. Still amazing. I should be the one who's proud of you."


As we bickered, we both failed to notice the pairs of eyes on us. Three of them to be exact. And little did I know, the number would only go up from there.

Test Two- Grip Strength

"Ay, 60 ain't to bad for me," I look over at Hitoshi's, "Get out of here with your 75 kg." I pouted. 

He ruffled my hair, "Hey, it's not my fault that I'm stronger than you."

"Oh yeah, you wanna go. Fight me outside after school by the flag pole. You're going down." I started to jump up and down, punching the air.

Iris (BNHA X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now