Chapter 2- Devin's first challenge

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Jem's Pov:

It's been two days since I found out about their secrets. And today was the first day of Devin's training. So far all we have been doing is walking for hours, going deeper and deeper into this huge forest. In which seems to never end. I mean come on! Where's the dang end to this place?

"So Devin, where is my training gonna be? Because we've been walking for hours." I asked him.

"We're almost there Jem, patience is the key when your walking." He said.

"Yah but walking also can get you bit irritated. These mosquitoes are eating me alive." Then I started scratching my arm. I wasn't kidding about the biting thing. I had bites all over me.

"That's because they want your blood." Then silence filled the air. 'Did he just say what I thought he said?' I thought. "And yes I just said that." He awnsered.

"But why? What's so good about it?" I asked.

"Your bloods special Jem, that's why they want it. It's not normal, if it wasn't how do you think you shifted for a third time?"

"Wait a minute! I never told you about that." Then suddenly he stopped, making me crash into him. I took a few steps back, and he turned towards me.

"We're here."

"I'm pretty sure we're still in the forest Devin, we're training here?"

"I'm not training, you are. This will be your first challenge, chosen one." Then he suddenly dissapeared into thin air. I looked in all directions but he was nowhere to be found. "This is your first challenge." Then I looked up to see him on a high branch in a tree. "You'll have to find your way out of this forest, with your natural abilities. Touch, smell, taste, hearing, and sight. This exercise will enhance them, but the only catch is. You won't be able to use your powers or shift into your wolf."

Then suddenly I felt so weak, and I fell to my knees because my legs just gave out. After trying to stand for two minutes, I finally had the strength to stand up. "But what if something happens?" I asked him.

"That's your problem, and I must remind you that your not the only thing roaming in this forest. I'll only interfere if your in serious danger, but other than that your on your own. You'll be under constant servailiance, so good luck." Then he completely dissapeared from my sight.

A cold breeze blew by, making my hair fly up behind me and I started walking off. 'Let the first challenge begin.' I thought.

Mystery Pov:

Oh foolish Jem, your teachers have failed you. Leaving you all alone by yourself in the forest, the fools they are. The chosen one is vunerable right now. She still hasn't found her true powers yet, all I need to do is convince her that I'm not the enemy. And her extraordinary powers shall be all mine.

But that flying animal, keep getting in my way! I can't get a clear shot at her with it, it just keeps on flying in the way waiting to take the blow. It's already received five blows from the ray, so that creature won't last long now. 'I will have you Jem. If it's the last thing I do.' I thought.

Jem's Pov:

Without any powers or my wolf around, I just feel depressed and just wanna lay around. But I can't, as much as I want too. I've still gotta get out of this damn forest. Then suddenly in the distance, I saw a river.

Right as I was about to run for it, I heard a twig snap behind me. And as I was about to turn around, something flew right past me. Nicking me right on the side of the cheek, and turned to see what it had done. And to my suprise it was an arrow. I turned around completly and no one was there. 'Then who shot the arrow?' I thought.

Then I saw something on the arrow, it looked like a small piece of paper. I unwrapped it from the arrow, and read it aloud:

Watch out for the Griffin

A Griffin? As in the mythological creature, that has the body of a lion and the wings of an eagle? Yah right, they don't exist. It's just Devin trying to freak me out, in the very first challenge. Then I heard growling behind me, making me drop the note in an instant. I've never heard anything growl like that, even wolves don't growl like that. I was praying that it was just Devin, trying to trick me.

I slowly turned around from my original position, and I saw............

That's where I'm gonna leave it. Well, who do you think it was? The Griffin, or Devin even, or something completly different from the two? Find out in the next chap, anyways.....



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