The peak of Naru

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Rei got ready to go to mount Naru. She got ready in her winter gear witch was was a blue winter coat that was outlined with white fur and had two cute cotton balls on the front and a blue bow that had the triforce on middle. she also had warm navy blue leggings with the triforce going down the side with a pair of brown boots. Was waiting at the gate that opens up to the cold icy mountains labyrinth. She then saw Riju coming up. But she was just wearing her normal clothes. " Hey umm Riju did you forget you clothes or did you drink a lot of elixirs." Rei said in concern for her friend.

"What no I am the chief of the gerudo so I am pretty sure I can handle a little cold." Riju said as she was snickering at Rei's winter get up.

"Ok but do not come complaining to me sister when your freezing to death." Rei said. Then came yunoboo and all he had on was big red scarf that rapped around his body.

"Let me just say you look fabulous yunoboo. So handsome." Zorina said. She was wearing a white jacket and had a ring of spicy elixirs on the belt. But unfortunately yunoboo ignored Zorinas compliment.

"If you ask me he looks like an overgrown red mushroom." Tulin said wearing the scarf that Rei made for him at the creamony.

"Hey mister could you please not insult me once during this road trip and why are you wearing only a scarf." Yunoboo said in anger at Tulin.

" Oh sorry how about a big fat red marshmallow instead. Also I am a Rito our body's are able to naturally adjust to the cold and whats wrong with wearing this scarf I mean you are to I just like it a lot." Tulin said as he held the scarf to his beak.

"Alright If everyone is ready to go then lets get moving guys. Are goal is to see if my friend is up on the top of the mountain." Rei said as they all started moving into the ice fortress. Rei was leading them. Tulin rushed up to Reis side.

"Hey umm Rei this friend of yours is not like a guy or something because umm I do not think you will find him." Tulin said as he got closer to Rei. Yunoboo on the other hand was getting mad at the site of seeing them close to each other. So he went to Riju to ask for advice.

" Hey Riju their is this girl I really love how do I Express my feallings for her in a good way uhh Riju." Yunoboo said as he saw her fall hard on to the ground.

" Its sooooooo cold I am sorry Rei I did not listen to you I am so cold please yunoboo can I share your scarf." Riju said trying pull it off him.

"Uhhhhhh ok I guess that is fine." Yunoboo said as he mad room in his scarf for Riju. She eventually climbed on his back under his scarf. Zorina saw what happened and took her belt holding all the elixirs and chucked them in the distant snow and fell down in on the ground.

"Please Yunoboo I am to cold please let have a part of your scarf tooooo." Zorina said. Yunoboo let her under his scarf and she got on his back and was smiling.

" Hey guys come on lets hurry stop goofing off." Rei said but suddenly fell to the ground.

"Rei watch out." Tulin had pushed her to the ground to shoot the wolves that were right behind her.

"Thanks Tulin soo much now lets continue." Rei said as she got up and brushed off the snow. As her and the gang got up further the mountain they became incredibly hungry so Rei made a fire and roasted some apples. "Ok everybody lest sit down in a circle and eat." Rei said. Tulin sat down next to Rei then zorina sat down next to tulin. Yunoboo sat down next zorina and then Riju next to Rei. Rei handed out the apples and also she made some warm milk for her friends. "Ok every one before eating lets do something say what we are thank full for in are life. I will start I am thank full that I got to spend this whole day with my friends how about you Tulin what are you thank full for." Rei nugged tulin in his wing.

" Well I am thank full for this scarf that you made me because I wear it every day and it is quite nice. Also it is a gift form you so ya." Tulin said as he slightly blushed.

" I am thank full that I get to sit were I am sitting." Zorina said as she smiled down at her reflection in the warm milk.

"Ya and whys that." Rei said starring intensively at zorina. Zorina slightly gazed at yunoboo. Rei then nodded her head and winked at Zorina. Witch made feel happy inside. "Yunoboo what are you thank full for." Rei asked.

"UMMmMMmmMMmm I am uhh thank full for Tulin. Yes Tulin for saving Rei from those nasty creatures early." Yunoboo said as he blushed.

" Are we all suppose to be thank full for that I mean she is our princess and those were not really nasty creatures." Tulin said.

" I am thank full for this fire to keep me warm." Riju said. The rest of the time the giggled and laughed and had a nice time but the they got to the the goddess statue. Rei saw willow sitting on top of it.

"Hey guys can you hang back here this is something that is between me and her ok." Rei said they all understood and made sure to stay back. "Willow I--" Rei's words were cut short to a blue spear nearly hitting her foot.

" You need to leave I am a disgrace to humanity hurry go before I end up hurting you I am a monster there is no place for me." Willow said as she glance over her shoulder at Rei.

"Willow listen there are people who will except you. I am sure my friends will so please I know a place were you can stay were someone will except you me and my friends will take you there so please." Rei pleaded.

"Rei the truth is I am scared I just do not what to do any more just please help me." Willow flew down to Rei and hugged her crying. " Just please help me." willow cried more.

"Willow I will help you but you have to trust me ok." Rei said.

"OK" Willow said as Rei lead her over to her friends who all said hi and excepted her.

" Willow there is a women in hateno village who will help you her name is miss purra. She will no doubt except you." Rei said. Her and her friends went down the mountain and eventually arrived at the hateno tec lab door step. Rei knocked on the door and then went in.

" Oh Rei it is such a great time that you came I was about to test my brain acid expert on Simon here ohh you brought a friend what a pretty lady what is your name." Purra said tilting her glasses.

" Miss Purra let me explain this is my friend Willow she is the daughter of a hylen and a rito. but there is a catch she--"once again Rei had her words cut off.

" She has wings am I right." Purra said.

" How did you know miss." Willow said.

" Well it is pretty much the most normal scientific outcome their could be and let me guess you brought her here because people reject her." Purra said

"Yes Miss purra I was wondering if you would let willow stay here with you if that is alright." Rei said.

" Of course I will she can use that one spare room we have and I she can also help research stuff." Purra said. Rei walked out the door of the tec lab and waved good bye to willow. She looked into the starry night sky as she cried happy tires to her self.


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