Master khoga

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Rei stood there looking around the unique complex. She was breaking a lot of sweat. She knew she wasn't near death mountain, if she was she would be like a pumpkin stew. That could only mean she would be in the second hottest location of hyrule. The Grudo dessert. She also looked around some more. There were wind chimes like the ones in kakariko village. There was also a small toad offering stone with the same upside down shekia eye marked in red on the stone. But straight in the middle of the room there was a giant hole that looked like it never ended. Rei turned around to see a entrance to a room. "Well as father would always say go the way zelda would hate." Rei started to go in until a large group of people some big some skinny came out all standing on the edges of the wall.
"I sense there is some one here who should not be." A grumbly voice said. After a few seconds and bunch of cards appeared in front of Rei. "You should not be here little one. What business do you have with the one the only master khoga." Master khoga said as he did a little dance but was soon out of breath after he was done.
"Oh some men from here told me that I could train with you guys. I want to become a great hero like my dad." Rei said with a friendly smile on her face.
"Hmm I see and if your father is a great hero may I ask who is this man." Master khoga looked at Rei intensely. Even though a mask covered his face she could feel sharp dagger eyes piercing her along with every one else's.
"My father is none other than king link hyrule. But calling him link is just fine. He was the one who helped my mother zelda defeat the great calamity." After saying that whispers started people looking back and forth at each other. People were whispering stuff like "I hope Master khoga kills her." Or stuff like "she is only a kid, we can't kill a kid." Rei was confused by the whispers and wanted to know why people were talking about killing her. Master kogha stood there for about five minutes. He was thinking long and hard about what to do all the while staring at Rei witch made her feel uncomfortable.
"Could I have all the yiga clan members assemble in the very important sacred meting room right know!" Master khoga shouted really loud. All the yiga clan members ran into the meting room. Rei was left outside and decided to not listen in on the conversation. She went over and sat on the edge of the big large hole.
"I wonder what mother and father are doing right now. I bet mother is yelling at father for eating all her specialty Rito chocolate again." Rei laughed at what she just said. She started to feel guilty about what happened earlier. "I promise mother, I may not be the queen that you want me to be but I'm going to be a queen hyrule has never seen before. I promise father I will be a strong and loyal hero just like you when I get back." Rei looked up at the sky. Suddenly she heard a voice said could turn around.
"So you're name is what." Master khoga said looking up at the princess. The rest of the clan was looking like they were going to pass out all of them looked nervously at Rei.
"My name is Rei, pleased to meet your acquaintance. Yours is Master khoga right." Rei said looking back at Master khoga.
"Indeed. Rei we are the yiga clan and we are willing to accept you into are group on three conditions." Master khoga looked at Rei to make sure she was paying attention to him. "The first is that you must do whatever your instructors or me tell you to do, and I mean what ever." Rei nodded her head in agreement as she waited for the next. "Next is that you can never ever listen to anyone outside of the yiga clan including zelda and link." Rei's was surprised to hear that.
"Can I at least write to them." Rei said hoping for a yes.
"NO absolutely not." Master khoga realized that he had shouted and then corrected his manner. "What I meant to say was no because we wouldn't want to worry your parents and plus the yiga clan is a very secretive group." Master khoga said in a more positive but little scary way. "Now the last condition you may not like are you ready to hear it Rei." Master khoga looked directly in Rei's eyes as she nodded in agreement. "The last condition is you can never go home or anywhere else." Master khoga looked at Rei intensely. Rei's heart sank like a goron would in a lake. She wanted to start crying and wanted to go back to Impa and Paya but she knew she couldn't. It was a tough decision she had to make. She always wanted to become a great a tough hero like her father and she knew there would be sacrifices but not like this.
"So Rei will it be then." Master khoga looked at Rei and everyone else. Rei thought for a bit but this is what she wanted and there was no turning back.
"I accept your conditions and will like to become a part of the yiga clan." Rei said as she started to feel tears coming.
"Well then Rei you are now Rei class one level one. But to be a true strong person you will need a strong instructor." Master khoga said rubbing the chin on his mask. "Oh I got the perfect person." Master khoga said before stepping behind Rei and clearing his lungs. "MAIE GET OUT HERE NOW." Master khoga shouted loud enough to chase away a hinox.
"I'm coming Master." A woman voice that sounded so sweet and innocent said. A girl about the same height as zelda, with bleach blonde hair that went down past below her upper body just barely. A gorgeous pair of blue eyes that sparkled like the moon and twinkled like midnight stars. She wasn't in the regular yiga clan attire. She was still in the jump suit but didn't have the mask on over her head.
"Maie state your status and rank." Rei expected something like class one level nine or something like that. The girl looked so innocent Rei was surprised to hear what she heard next.
"Class fifty nine level nine hundred and ninety nine second in line to master kogha." Maie said as she looked over at Rei studying the girl for a bit. Then smiling at her witch made Rei feel all warm inside.
"Maie you will now be Rei's partner and instructor." Maie smiled at Rei.
"Rei that's a pretty name. I feel like you and me will be good friends." Maie said smiling again at Rei. Even though Rei was scared Maie's smile made her feel like everything would be ok.
"So do I." Rei said back as they both shook hands and went inside.

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