Val blinked in confusion a couple of times, before she sat down in the chair in front of my desk. “What the hell are you talking about, Conner?”

“I’m telling you that I should have realized it. Half breeds aren’t as strong as the average wolf. Well, if they don’t have Alpha or Beta blood, at least.”

This explanation only made Val looked more confused and frustrated. “Realized what?” she asked, between gritted teeth.

“Ryan,” I said, my voice trembling with a mix of emotions I couldn’t quite make out. “Ryan… He’s… He’s not my brother,”

Silence. Servile different emotions crossed over her face. Shock, confusion, disbelief, concern, distress, worry… The list could go on forever.

“What do you mean ‘not your brother?’” she finally asked, after the short silence.

“Apparently he’s adopted. My father saved him from a group of roughs who were trespassing. According to this documents, at least” I said, and pointed down at the papers on my desk. “I should have realized it, you know. He was never as strong as he should’ve been, and he had less control than the others,”

“Now you’ve lost me again,” Val confessed. “You called him a… half breed?”

“Yeah. Half wolf, half human. The werewolf part is dominating, but a half breed isn’t as strong as the average wolf. They also have less control over their wolf part, and they don’t feel the mating pull as strong as the average wolf. I’m pretty sure silver doesn’t affect them as much as it affects us, but I’m not sure.”

Val nodded slowly, obviously trying to process it all. It was much to take in, I knew that, but she was smart and learned quickly.

“He’s still your brother, though. Blood doesn’t change that,” Val said. I could tell that she didn’t say it to comfort me. She said it because she believed it to be true.

Maybe she was right? I still loved Ryan, no matter how strong (or weak) his wolf was.

“I know.”

We just looked each other for a moment, before Val spoke.

“You know, what’s really bugging me, is why Logan hasn’t killed you yet.”

I sure as hell wasn’t prepared for that, so I just glared at her, taken by surprise.

“I mean, we both know that he could have killed you in the woods, and he sure as hell could have gotten those hunters to execute you!” Valentina explained, her hazelnut eyes fixed on my chocolate brown. It was a fire in them that I hadn’t noticed until know.

I was about to answer something really stupid, but Will interrupted me before I humiliated myself.

“The Pack is ready, Captain,” he announced. I could only imagine the grin on his face while he said it.

“We’ll have to take this later. Right now we have a pack meeting to attend too” I said, and grabbed her arm. Pretended that I wanted to guide her, instead of feeling her supporting touch.

“As you all know, we’ve been attacked by our neighbor pack, not once, but twice. First they killed my parents, your Alpha and Luna, and then they sent some hunters after me,” I said, causing the crowd to roar in anger.

I was standing outside the pack house, and someone had lightened up some torches, making the scene look really ancient. It probably was. I couldn’t be the first Alpha to make a speech for his pack.

“The Black Feather pack has the numbers, but we have the burning spirits of warriors they can’t even dream to outmatch. We will get our vengeance on their pack, even if it’s the last thing we do. We believe in justice. We believe in doing the right thing, and I believe in you,” I continued, which only caused the crowd to cheer even more.

“But first things first,” I said, which silenced the pack. They knew what was coming. I got so ripped away by the atmosphere that I almost wanted to say the next words in Latin. A pity I didn’t speak that language. I would have to learn it someday.

 “I, Conner, Alpha of the Bloody moon pack,” I said, and ripped open my wrist with my finger nail, causing my blood to drip down at the ground. It was something magic about the action. “Hereby declare The Black Feather pack at war!”


Yes, this chapter is short. Sorry.

I've probably mentioned my writers block more than necessary, but it’s still bugging me. I’ve started a Maze Runner fanfic in an attempt of getting rid of the block. I’m not sure it will work, but it’s worth a try.

This will probably cause my updates to slow down even more, but I will still prioritize this book.

I would really appreciate it if you would read my fanfic. You’ll find it on my profile. (Obviously).


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