
Começar do início

As the doors open we sprint out. Tim scans the lobby and heads for the boiler room while I make my way outside.

I freeze seeing Mick's limp body on the cold cement in front of the building. I look around the place to spot Solmi. She's standing there, next to the dry cleaners place smiling at me. She slowly makes a step to the side and grins.

Solmi: Fugu.

She then turns and runs off into the dark street.


I jump back into action as soon as her word registers. Mick is in grave danger. I check his pulse and breathing. His pulse is normal but his breathing is slowly getting weaker.

Shit shit shit

Andy: Don't die on us!

I search for a phone only to remember leaving it in my room. Luckily I hear Tim calling to me from the entrants.

Andy: Call 911. He was poisoned with pufferfish.

Tim: What are you saying?

Andy: Now! We don't have time to argue!

He nods and pulls out his phone to call for help. I just hope we aren't too late.

[Y/Ns pov.]

I'm sitting in the agency's hospital wing, more specifically in my bed, from where I didn't move for more than a week. It's slowly driving me crazy, not able to walk or at least hoop around. I asked Nadia for crutches but she refuses to give them to me saying it will slow down my recovery too much. In reality, I know she's just going along with Sangs wishes to keep me in bed so I don't do something reckless.

He knows that I would stick to my word to find the girl even if it cost me my life. Normally I wouldn't be so determinant even if it was the mission that was given to me but this time it was personal. She stabbed me, threatened my friends, shoot at them, she gave me scars in the past and took him away from me...

I hear as the beeps of machines become more rapid. As I turn to look if something is wrong with them I notice that my heartbeat has gone up.

I need to stop thinking about the past. It won't bring him back.

knock knock

??: Y/N? It's me. I have some papers for you.

Y/N: Come in.

The doorknob presses down and in staps Sang with a fat file in his hand. I smile briefly at him and quickly turn my upper body to the side of the bed to pull a foldable table out. He gets to my side and grabs himself a chair to sit next to my bed and table. He puts the file down while looking at me and smiling a bit.

Sang: How are you feeling?

Y/N: I've been better but you know.

I surge it off only to wince as my right shoulder hits the back of my bed.

Sang: Careful! We don't want you to get even more hurt.

I just smile sheepishly and nod.

Why must he act so much like himself but at the same time so different?

Sang: Here. I brought you something to make your time past faster.

BodyguardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora