chapter seven

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Chapter seven

The Monday class everyone expected to be busy and filled with activity was actually a dry one. Munachi could not believe Victoria tricked her into coming to class with the usual threat of ' the lecturer is in class and he's giving test ' Munachi groaned, frustrated at the noisy hall.

"We've been in school since 8:30 and this is 11:00 yet no lecturer has come to teach, I don tire ooo" Muna said.

"I swear, let's go and get something to eat at the back of the lecture hall" Chidera spoke tiredly.

They walked out of the lecture hall to get something to eat. On reaching there, Munachi noticed a group of guys dressed in a rugged attire sitting close to the stall emitting this bad vibes, she felt this cold shiver down her spine_ her instincts were already on high alert and she knew she had to leave there immediately.

"Let's get what we want and leave this place this guy's are scary" she mumbled fearfully.

"Babes calm down you to dey fear" Dera jested causing Muna to throw her a glare.

"Ok fine, ah! " Dera collected her change "oya oo! Let's go"

They got to class, sat down and began to eat.

"Mehn does guys were really scary, couldn't wait to leave that place plus one of the guys were just staring at me"

"Fear fear, maybe the guy just liked you nii" Dera said jokingly.

After a few minutes, the lecturer for PUH 208 came into the class, everyone got seated, got out their jotter and pen ready for the lectures.

"Today we are going to be talking about Epidemic diseases in our country.. Firstly what is an epidermic disease" Mr Mark asked.

Students raised hands to answer the question.Well as for her, she wasn't really interested in the lecture, so she just sat there pressing her phone with her head bent down. She looked up again to look around the class, some were listening to the lecturer speak,some writing and of course those in her category. Then suddenly her eyes caught with some guys sitting at the back.


She tapped Dera. It was the same guys they saw back then when they went to get something.
What could they possibly be looking for here, She thought.

"What if one of the guys came here to look for me" she spoke under her breath

"See mumu" Dera scoffed. "Abeg you sabi dream oo"

Munachi noticed that more strange faces began to fill the class and the worse part, she was sitting at the back, third to the last seat. She also noticed that the lecturer ignored their presence and continued teaching. One of the guys sat next to her and she felt scared, she wanted to leave the seat but she couldn't because he was sitting at the edge.

"Babes let's go and collect our school ID card, that biometrics one " Victoria said from behind her as if noticing her uneasiness.

She thanked God silently, took excuse from the guy and immediately went out of the class.

"Jesus! Thank you so much" she turned to Victoria " I swear I almost peed on myself.

Victoria bursted out into a loud laughter as they walked into the main departmental building. " You know all those guys that entered are cultist" she said when her laughter had died down.

"Come how do you know so much?"

"My lodge" she replied and they fell in a comfortable silence.

After collecting their ID cards, Munachi dreaded the fact that they were going back to the lecture hall to meet those guys. She hated cultists or anything associated to them, she hoped she would never associate herself with anyone of them. As the were about to enter the lecture hall, she noticed the lecturer was done with the lectures and all the guys standing outside, like they are waiting for someone.

She quickly dragged Victoria inside the hall, picked up her bag and pulled Victoria out of the lecture hall, Dera was nowhere to be found so they had to wait for her....

"You sure say Black dey here?" One of the rugged guys asked

"I sure" another one putting on dark shades answered

Munachi couldn't express how happy she was when she found Dera waving at them to come over. She quickly walked up to her

"Do you know who Black is? " Victoria asked

"How are we supposed to know when you their expert don't know" Munachi answered.

"I swear this semester is getting really interesting" Dera smiled.

That day as she walked down eziobodo road with Victoria, surprisingly quite, she couldn't help but let her mind wander off to felt like he is a ghost and only appears after sometime.. she had been anticipating his call for the past days but a point she  thought maybe he forgot or wasn't into her like she thought, she grimaced at her stupid thought.

"Are you alright" Victoria asked when she noticed the wrinkles on Munachi forehead

"Yeah, I'm fine" she whispered and decided she didn't want to think about Sochi again, maybe his just a passerby in her life..

She  let her thoughts shift to Jagaban, the Capone of the supreme Vikings confraternity. Does it make sense   how badly she wants to see him, how badly she wanted to talk to sounded  weird because a normal person is supposed to be running the other way  when they by hear about a cultist talk more of a Capone,  the deadliest ones but then she isn't normal.

Victoria's touch  snapped her out of her thoughts "I need to buy something to eat my roommate won't be back from lectures by now" Victoria said as the stop on the sidewalk causing people passing to brush shoulders with them while some eyed and hissed at them for blocking the road...

"Why didn't you talk since"  Munachi corked her brow  "we should have bought it from that presidential villa woman"
(Presidential villa..a name of a lodge)

"Let's just buy from anywhere"

"She sells the best Beans in this eziobodo and you know it" she frowned but nodded anyways,its not like she would eat the beans with Victoria, she just hoped her own roommate was back and has prepared something.

As they were about to cross the road, a car zoomed past them splashing  muddy water from port holes in front of them. Shock was plastered on their faces as the tried to process what happened.

"Sorry oo"a guy from one of the  shops close by shouted and then as if opening the way for others, they began offering their sympathy. One guy who was passing even took it to the level of trying to help her clean the mud off her cloth.....well it wasn't helpful cause she was putting on a white sleeveless gown.

On their way home after buying the beans and plantain and getting strange looks from people who did not witness the incident, they sighted the same silver car that splashed water on them .  Coming closer she noticed the car looked too familiar,  Munachi was so sure she had seen it before.....but where?

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