Chapter six

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Chapter six

Victoria grinned widely " so it all started two days ago....."

Two days ago

The members of the supreme Vikings confraternity all dressed in black white and red stood in different angles in an open clearing waiting for the skull executioner (Capone) to arrive.
The dark sky above their heads and the sounds of the midnight insects could be heard even the midst of the loud song they were singing.

Mama no dey ooo

Papa no dey ooo

If you want to killi us

Killi us make we die

We will never follow you to that station

Jagaban walked in dressed in a black trouser tucked inside a red pair of socks with white shirts and boots to match, he's also putting on a black beret with red ribbons tied around it behind him was Don Pedro dressed in a similar attire as the rest of the people present.

He held his hands up signalling the end of the song. Silence fell in their midst that even the crickets could be heard clearly. He stood in front of them and by his right hand side stood Njashi, the intelligent officer and to his left stood Don Pedro, the strike chief also known as the Hitman.

"Arrow!" Jagaban hailed

"Bagger you!!" they chorused

"Arrow Norsemen!"

"Bagger rugged!!! Rugged you!!!" they replied and everywhere became quiet as they awaited Jagaban to speak.  

"Where dem dey?( Where are they?)" Jagaban asked in a throaty voice

Don Pedro signalled for Bigi to lead them in. Seven boys all Stark naked walked in, in a straight line. They all had blind folds on so that incase they don't survive the initiation they won't be able to find their way back.

"I say do you remember" Jagaban sang in a deep scratched tone.

"I remember" the sang in unison

"My brother do you remember?" He sang as he stepped down from the high top picking up the axe that lay on the floor clashing it wit one of the members own.

"I remember" they chorused

"Njashi do you remember? Don Pedro do you remember?" He tilted his head side ways as he watched them with content in his heart but with an expressionless face.

He remembered when he was just like this seven guys, when he was a Noron( one yet to be fully initiated) that was two years ago when he was in three hundred level. He remembered Chinko bringing him here, he remembered the pain he felt, he remembered when he lost his innocence.

"I remember"

He silenced them with his hands raised up.

"Shey una won bam, you go bam ( you want to get initiated, you will be initiated)" he spoke with authority dripping in his tone.

"Njashi!" He called and Njashi stepped forward " over" then he stepped back to stand in the same spot as Don Pedro.

"File out!"Njashi ordered. As the intelligent officer, he is in charge of every rituals and fortifications, including the initiation of new members.

They all began to move, still with the blind fold on, this was the first stage of the initiation...treasure hunting. They are blindfolded and asked to search for hidden treasures under torture which is inflicted by the members and you are not expected to cry or scream. Bicycle chains, matchets are used on them.

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