Chapter 7

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 Aurelia used this chance to press herself onto the wooden railings. If it was gonna be her against all these men, she'd certainly have no other choice but to jump off. But then again, she didn't want to leave so suddenly without her precious belongings. 

Suddenly she heard the sounds of gunshots nearing and praised the heavens for this little distraction. The black robes pulled their attention away from her and towards whom Aurelia assumed was their leader, waiting for instructions. 

"The woman with the map is upstairs. All of you must go and destroy at once." They all nodded in unison. He narrowed his eyes, "Kill if must. " Without hesitating they marched upstairs swords in hand. At that last comment, Aurelia widens her eyes in realization. That girl he mentioned must be no other than Evelyn O'Connell. Oh, shoot. She didn't know whether to feel relieved or not. 

It took her a second to realize it was just now her and their leader alone. Her heart skipped a beat as her knees felt buckling. She didn't know for how long they stood in silence watching one another. He looked her over with an unspeakable gaze before settling with an apology, " I'm sorry for mistaken you."

She blinked in surprise. There was a war going on upstairs and he's being civil?  The confusion was plastered on her face, "uhm.. it happens?..." She was at a loss for words. 

He took a step towards her, "You're headed to Hamunaptra aren't you?"

Aurelia considered lying to him but knew that won't do any good, especially in their current situation. She's practically defenseless against him. 

"Yes, I am."

"Go and you won't make it out alive."

At this, she raised her eyebrows, "Okay why does everyone say that? Shouldn't this Hamunaptra place just be nothing else but a gold patch?"

His eyes darken, "It's more than that. Evil lies within." he pulled out his scimitar. "My duty is to keep people like you away."

"Woah calm down, I'm not looking to steal." She put her hands up in mock surrender "It's more like just babysitting ya know? Gotta look over my mates."

Suddenly the boat jerked violently and she yelped holding onto dear life meanwhile the Medjai kept his balance effortlessly. 

The noise from up above turned even more chaotic and Aurelia can hear the passengers panicking and yelling. The smell of burnt wood was becoming more drastic to bear as the smoke raged the surroundings. 

She ducked her head slightly to avoid inhaling the smoke and turned to him with pleading eyes, "Look the steamers going down and I'd really like to grab some of my belongings before it explodes, capiche?"

It seemed as if he was having a battle with himself over whether to let her go or fight. After a couple of seconds, he let out a breath, put his blade away, and took a step back and gestured with his hand, "after you." 

She nodded in gratitude and jogged towards her room that was only a couple of dorms down. She heard the sounds of waves splashing as the folks from upstairs jumped off the deck and onto safety. She noticed some even brought horses along.

Upon entering her room, she ran straight to her bed and quickly patted on her handgun holsters on her waistband. Next, she grabbed a backpack and threw in some random undergarments and clothes before zipping it up. 

Once finished, she turned around and almost let out a shriek realizing how close in proximity they were. Her eyes barely reached his broad-shoulders as he easily towered over her. She raised her head slowly upward capturing every detail.  His wild dark waves,  luscious lips, sculpted bronzed cheekbones grazed with beautiful indigo tattoos, curly lashes, and dark eyes. 

Without a doubt, God surely took his precious time with this dessert man. The petite female thought dreamily. 

The gorgeous man in the black robes either didn't seem fazed by the closure or was just rather good at concealing it. He broke the silence between them with a few shorts words, "You're making a mistake" before stepping away, the outside in clear view, "go."

She knew that was her queue to leave. Stepping out of the dorm she raced to the edge and swung on the railing prepared to jump before looking back to the handsome fella only to realize he had already disappeared. 

 Aurelia couldn't help but whisper, "may we meet again" before jumping off into the water with a loud splash. 


Merry chrysler everyone!  (vine reference) 

Honestly, I've been upset that Netflix removed The Mummy series! Those were my favorite ;(. Especially to gawk over my dessert man!

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