"I don't think we've met before. The name's Crowley." An English accent laced into my ears and a quite attractive man held out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Green." I took his hand in mine, smiling as we made eye contact. A dark haired woman also came to my vision. "I'm Vivian, it's nice to see another female on the front lines." I nodded and shook her hand. "It is nice." I agreed and gave a small smile.
"Looks like we will be working together." Crowley winked and I slightly laughed, "kicking Krauts' asses together." I added and watched him walk away with Vivian.

"Green, stop looking at him." Stiles tapped my shoulder from behind and I quickly turned to him and the others. A light blush appeared on my cheeks. "Oh, come on! He's not even attractive." Aiello groaned but I shrugged my shoulders at him. "Eh, he's not bad... Anyway, Turner's probably waiting on us." I walked away to find Turner before they could say anything else.

Turner was stood with the tanks, waiting for everyone to gather around. "Alright, we gotta defend our tanks! Stay beh-" Turner was cut off by Stukas flying in our direction. "STUKAS INBOUND!" Pierson yelled, "Everyone get down!" He ordered and we all crouched behind the sandbags.
I was about to look over the cover we were using, but a Stuka flew straight by me, causing me to jump out of the way with Zussman.
"Shit! Are you okay?" I asked him and he nodded before ducking back down.

"Sir, there's too many of 'em!" Stiles shouted at Turner, looking up at the sky.
"And we're gonna take them! Daniels, call in air support, now!" Turner shouted as Daniels grabbed the radio from the ground. I looked ahead and saw our Tanks firing back at the Panzers. "Our tanks are gonna get destroyed!" Aiello shouted and pointed to at least eight Stukas flying towards the tanks. "Perez! We called in air support! Tell them to hang in a little longer!" Pierson yelled over and fired some ammo at the Germans.
"Copy that!" I heard Perez shout over the gunfire.

I looked up to see our air support flying in, attacking the Stukas. "Show them no mercy!" I heard Aiello exclaim. I pulled out my sniper and mounted it onto the sandbags. "Green! Three Panzerschrecks! Take them out, now!" Turner demanded and I looked down my scope, wiping them out one by one before they could destroy our tanks. "All clear, sir!" I informed and pulled away from my rifle.
"We have the upper hand now! Let's move out!" Turner sprinted out as I followed behind him along with Daniels and Zussman.

I switched to my M1928 and began firing at any Nazi I could see. "Someone help me! I can't walk!" I heard a soldier scream and I quickly darted over to him, pulling him out of the open area. I pulled him to a huge rock. "Thank you." He muttered in pain, holding his leg that was drenched in blood. Before I could help, some other soldier rushed over to assist. "I've got this." He said to me and I nodded before running back to Zussman and Daniels.

"All Stukas are down!" Pierson called out and ran further in to the enemy lines. "Let's go!" He shouted to us all. It was quiet. Too quiet. The Nazis were retreating and our tanks were moving forward.
"Good work gentlemen, and lady." Turner praised everyone and looked at us all. "You did well."
Pierson walked back over, his eyes narrowed. "For now." He said and looked at me. "Who knows what can happen next..." He trailed off, looking down at me. I stared right back at him. "Still alive, Sergeant. I'm still alive." I retorted.


"Prepare for our next mission tomorrow!" Turner dismissed us and walked back into his tent, Pierson trailing behind. I turned to walk over to my tent with the others. I set my sniper rifle down and threw my helmet on the table. I hated that man. He had no reason to say that shit to me.
I pulled out a cigarette and lit it before sitting on the table.

Behind The Lines *WW2 Fan-fiction*Where stories live. Discover now