Chapter 13. Adorable

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"What on earth did you say to my mother?" were the first words out of Draco's mouth when he entered the room.

Harry put down his homework and looked over at his lover.

"Um, why?" he asked, hedging his bets.

"Because she described you as adorable," Draco said, throwing his outer robe over the back of one of the chairs, "and that is a term she usually reserves for babies and small fluffy animals."

Harry lifted an eyebrow at that; as far as he was concerned there were many ways to describe him: dangerous, lethal, dark, potentially psychotic. Funnily enough, adorable was not on the list.

"She didn't hit her head on the way to see you did she?" he asked, just a little worried.

Draco rolled his eyes and then grinned.

"Maybe she was right," was Draco's comment and Harry had no idea what he had done and the way Draco sauntered towards him cut off most of his higher thoughts anyway.

He totally forgot about his homework when Draco climbed into his lap and kissed him. Considering the fact that it was usually him who initiated sex, probably because he always had sex on the brain, this was a very nice surprise.

"I want to celebrate," Draco said, between kisses: "I'm free of the shadow of the Ministry, my mother has vetted my boyfriend and adores him, and you look simply irresistible sitting here."

"Your wish is my command," he replied, snaking his arms up Draco's back.

"Really?" Draco asked with a wicked smile and just for a second Harry was worried.

For a moment he had forgotten he was talking to a Slytherin. However, rather than reveal what was going through his head, Draco just kept kissing him and Harry was all for that. It was only when Harry went for the fastenings on Draco's clothes that his lover pulled back.

"Come on," Draco said, climbing off his lap, "I want a shower."

Harry's disappointment at Draco moving away transformed into pleasure in an instant; he never complained about ways to get Draco naked in short order and as long as he could keep his hands on Draco his incubus was happy. Draco led them into the bathroom, turned on the shower and then stripped without further ado, all of which Harry watched with great interest.

"Over dressed, Harry," was all Draco said, smiling at him and climbing under the spray.

Just occasionally Harry might be slow at picking up on things, but that come-on he heard loud and clear and pulled off his clothes as fast as physically possible. Draco actually laughed at the speed with which he managed to make it under the water with him. He wound his arms around Draco, pulling their bodies flush and revelling in the touch of flesh on flesh as he kissed his lover deeply. There was nothing in the world more intoxicating to him than Draco.

For a while Draco let him have his way, responding to his kiss and his touches with just as much passion, but eventually Draco pulled himself away.

"Wash first," Draco said breathlessly, "sex afterwards."

Harry might have objected, but he did rather like seeing Draco's smooth skin covered in suds.

As it turned out, Draco had been serious about the washing, not that Harry made many objections when he found out that Draco meant clean everywhere. The way Draco was touching him and he was touching Draco, just made him that much more excited. Harry had never thought of putting a shower head to quite the use Draco did.

When they were both clean to Draco's satisfaction and before Harry could take charge again, Draco smiled at him, turned the water down to a trickle and slipped to his knees.

Reformation (Book 4 of The Corruption Sequence)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن