I nodded, content with those ground rules. I mean, they're simple enough. I get to help without getting hurt. It's a win-win. Now if only I could control my visions. It has to be possible, right? If Scott and the others can control when they change and use their abilities, I should be able to do the same with mine.

After the talk with Stiles, I decided to spend the next day working on my ability. I did some research about seers as well, trying to figure out more about what I am and how my ability works.

From the moment I woke up I was in Stiles' room at his desk. The computer is in his room, so no matter how much it annoyed him that's where I stayed put. 

I read article upon article about seers and the myths behind them. There really isn't much to it, I can make predictions. It didn't say anything about controlling it or focusing it, so I'm kind of on my own in that department. 

I let out a huff before leaving Stiles' room, Scott and him were talking to loudly for me to think. I headed to my own room in order to brainstorm. I paced the length of my room, one hand rubbing circles on my small bump absentmindedly. How do I focus it, instead of having random visions? There has to be a way.

I continued pacing, looking around my slightly messy room, hoping for an idea--any idea really--to pop into my mind. My whole being stopped suddenly, only able to focus on one idea. Focus. Maybe that's all I need to do. 

I grabbed candles from around my room, along with a lighter. I also grabbed a comfy meditation pillow that I bought last year, and turned out my lights and shut my door. I lit the candles, setting them in a circle around me while I sat cross legged on the pillow. 

"Okay," I let my eyes fall closed. "Focus." I sat in silence, trying to focus on having a vision, or seeing something at least. An itch disrupted my focus. I tried hard to ignore it, trying to focus more on a vision, on seeing. Unfortunately I couldn't.

I scratched the bridge of my nose quickly and let myself try to relax once more. "Focus." The word 'focus' bounced around my head, unfortunately a song took it's place and I involuntarily began to hear the song in my head.

I let out a frustrated groan, taking another deep breath and trying again. I felt butterfly kicks in my tummy and a smirk found its way onto my lips. Really, the babies have to kick now? 

My eyes flew open and down to my bump. They're kicking! I jumped up from the floor and ran into Stiles room, yelling his name over and over. The two boys looked freaked out as I burst through the door, calming down only when they saw the wide grin on my face.

"Guys! They're kicking!" I pressed my hand against my stomach, I couldn't feel it against my hand but, I could feel it inside of me. I looked up at the two, a bored expression was on Stiles' face but, a smile was on Scott's as he walked over to me. 

"They are?" I nodded wildly. He placed his hand against my stomach for a moment, waiting, before a frown found its way onto his face. "I can't feel it." 

I giggled lightly. "No, I don't think they're big enough yet. It kind of feels like butterflies, in my stomach." Scott nodded, a smile returning to his face. 

"Okay, Scott and I have things to discuss so...Tori, go back to...whatever it was that you were doing, please?" I gave my brother a nod. And turned to leave. "I'll come see you in a bit." Scott called after me. 

I sat on my meditation pillow again, allowing my eyes to fall close once more. I'll give this one more try, I told myself. This time I tried to clear my head, instead leaving it open rather than focusing on the word focus. I think it worked. 

I saw my dad, Melissa, and Mr. Argent. They were all tied up in some sort of cellar or basement. I could see the panic in their faces as the ceiling began to cave in. I reached forward to yell to them but, I couldn't the image disappeared and I was in my room again. 

A breath I didn't know I was holding left my lips, my eyes went wide open and a smile found its way onto my lips. I did it. I really really did it. I figured it out!


A/N: Sorry it's been awhile, I was on vacation and then I got really sick so I couldn't write. I'm finally getting back to my inspiration and motivation to write. This is a really short chapter, I know! I wanted to give you guys something to read as soon as I could so, I made a quick filler chapter. I hope it's not too bad. 

I'll post another chapter within a week, and it will be longer! Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. I'm also starting to work on another book, it's a supernatural fanfiction that's going to take place during season 1 of the show. I'm not sure when it will be posted but, it might take longer to post updates for this book due to my other works (no longer than once a week though, most likely.) 

Anyways, comment, vote, share! I hope you all are having a great day, night, mid-day! Until next time--XO

Edit: 4/3/2020

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