Vampire Vice Greets Butcher

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So Jake was still killing people almost 15 people in 1 day. But Jake knew he had enemies coming for him. But that didn't stop him.  So when Jake was walking he saw the  15 people he killed. Then Jake shook and he said how are you all not died and then the butcher just stood they're just lost. Then they said were vampire know so you can't kill us, Jake. Then Jake was lost out of words and the Jake saw everybody got killed so...... Jake said " who bring all y'all back to life" with a worrying look on his face. Then Jake felt someone strong as him and Jake turn around then he saw the leader cause no one can really reach Jake's power level. But in Jake head he wonders how a vampire can reach to a demon power level. So the vampire said" Jake i know u know i'm the leader  but my name is Vice and I'm the  the strongest underworld creature that ever live. Then Jake said "cap dog u know damn well i stronger then yo ass " So Vice but everyone Jake killed to try to kill him. So Jake blink his eyes and they all pass out. Then open his eyes up they all woke up and forgot who they where and there power level was 100 but when Jake open his eyes there power level now 0. So basically drain there power and observe it to his own so Jake current power level was 100,000,000,000. But know his power level limitless and Jake half vampire too. But  Vice power level is 100,000,000,000 .  So know Jake unstoppable and then Jake said "Vice wanna join forces"  so vice had no choice and said " yes but how are u so powerful and how maintain the power without going berserk " with a jaw dropping reaction. Then the next day Jake was training every body power he took that gonna fight in this war coming up. But while train the gain the power level of Vice. 


The Butcher Demon Jake Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora