Gods vs Gods

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1,000 years later, The Antho Family haven't killed nothing in 1,000 years to change their twisted ways.
The Shadow was looming over Jake enemies grave...to grant them immortality. The Shadow "Wake up Jake bitches" Vice snuck his way behind The shadow and sense his body aging like an incurable disease. Vice felt offended and said " Who the hell you talking...looking like you are D1 special  needs...with hump back day looking ass" Frost and Light was laughing so hard, they ran and almost fell on current abandoned graves. The Shadow paper shredded their body  physically and spiritually with no remorse. The Shadow " look at all this confetti for a birthday party" The Shadow levitated the bloody confetti to bring them back to life.The overwhelming  power of The Shadow made them his 3 power bitches.

The Shadow " It's crazy how I took Jake BITCHES...now y'all Shadows 3 power BI-BI-BITCHEZ" The Shadow got carried away and told them to say "we are the mighty sexy ass shadows BU-BO-BICTHEZ PERIODT". Frost screamed and said "What do you want from us you piece of shit"while crying  at the same time. The Shadow "I want y'all to help me fight someone...before I release y'all hoez" The power was shared by The Shadow, Grant them unlimited powers and immortality as long if The Shadow lives.
Jake was walking down the street to buy groceries for the family party...and sense a powerful threat from a far.

5 minutes later,Jake got home to warn his family about the dangers of their happiness. Jake called the family in the living rooms and said " My loving family...we are going to have war" Rozel looked at Jake as if he was human on crystal meth and said " Son cut the bullshit...let kills these suppose throat babies aka accidents" then started dancing like drunk man trying to get up. Kingos 12 kids and wife didn't want him to fight, So Kingos said " do you want to release all the anger my sons and my loving wife you are on your period....so you should understand " Kingos wife smack him and told him " Shut your ass up...before we not having no more kids". Hailey was pissed at then arguing in her house and said " Take that shit outside porch monkey...Fucking up my high little shits". Jake got fed up " WE ARE GOING TO FUCKING WAR AND IF YALL NOT DOWN...I DON'T MIND STARTING A ANOTHER FAMILY TREE...SO EVERYONE IMA GIVE POWER BOOST, DON'T FUCK UP ANTHO FAMILY OR I KILL YALL MYSELF". Hailey was getting turned on by Jake reaction " NOW THATS MY MF MAN RIGHT THERE ". The 12 kids and wife power of Kingos was around 9 trillion and they had unlimited power with a 50 min time limit. Kingos power level is around 86 trillion and unlimited powers with no time limit. Hailey power level is 400 trillion and has unlimited angels abilities.Rozel power level is 900 trillion and has unlimited powers. Jake power level is infinity and has unlimited power.

The Shadow appeared as a dark mist to talk to them and said "meet me in on the in space in 9 days so we can throw things Domos Antho" Antho family was in shock on how The shadow knew Jake True identity.
Day 1, Jake was serious " Y'all kill betta kill this whole earth and species of a random universes...Cause this mf got messed up all the way.
Day 2, the 12 kids of Kingos killed every baby and toddler in the United State,China,Russia ,London...They even at the baby animals in that area.
Day 3, Hailey and Kingos Wife killed the 85% of females in many different universes.
Day 4, The men of The Antho Family killed 78% of sea life, 56% of adults men,16% teenagers.
Day 5, Rozel killed every elder person or animal that existed in the universe.
Day 6, 12 kids of Kingos were lifting 99,900 pounds rock for 80x80 reps.
Day 7, Hailey and Kingos wife was squatting 85,925 pounds for 70x71 reps.
Day 8,The men of The Antho Family was lifting with one finger infinite weight with fingers for 91,978x90,896 reps.
Day 9, The Antho Family was currently power level boosted up...because killing makes there power level go higher every second that pass by them and slave a person they killed.

The shadow was laughing at the Antho Family new powers level and called them weak vessels of mine.
Vice ask That Shadow "Can we please start killing peoples boss"...The Shadow told Vice "you can right now and I promise to bring your daughter back as new born since my relatives destroyed the babies on earth" Vice eyes was full with rage and open the portal to hell and saw the 12 kid of Kingos was there laughing at him. Vice ran through the portal and tried to attack them...The 12 kids Kingos kicked his body and soul apart in dust. Vice came back to life a said "that's all you got little bitchez"started making a human centipede with The 12 son of Kingos.
Kingos finally found his kids and saw the most disgusting thing ever...Kingos took the life force from Vice physically and spiritually,Kingos made his kids forget about this. Kingos put them in a protective barrier.
The Shadow sent light over to kill them kids, Kingos Wife killed light before walking in the hidden portal and Kingos wife neck was snap by light during his revival process. Hailey showed up late and saw her daughter in law hurt...Hailey ripped every muscle tissue and bone in 1.5 seconds in light body. Hailey took light soul...then fed it to her grandchildren in the protective barrier her son built for them.
The Shadow was laughing "How yall weak with my power...I forgot was using yall to boost my power up" The Shadow Snapped Frost head like a soda can and start drinking his blood.

The Shadow power level was infinity...now it's Jerriah God Mode basically to create and control universes and when The Shadow Breathing... give The Shadow the ability to multiply his current power times infinity every second The Shadow breathes.

Hell was drop to 0 degrees when The Shadow walking the portal and killed  Antho family females.The Shadow started S.A  Antho family females since The shadow drain Kingos and 12 kids of Kingos power and soul.
Rozel finally showed up and said " WHO TF ARE YOU HOODED BITCH" The Shadow replied back and said "IM YOUR DAD COON" started removing the hoodie and looked 18...with grey and black fire dreads. Rozel was so frighten. He took his own life because father is on a different level when it comes to fighting.
Jake was sitting back watching this going down and told The Shadow "Black don't cracked...But I see you have no balls...you just a poor little pussycat". The shadow was annoyed how didn't notice his generational waste and said " FIGHT ME THEN BITCH MADE BOI". Jake punched the shadow soul out his body... Then the shadow soul punch Jake so hard his soul fell out to. as they kept fighting, they made hell look like a crystal garden. Because they are soul are like diamonds and gold because they soul never grows old. The Shadow ability gave him an upper hand and The shadow manage kill Jake but was not able to take Jake soul. The shadow was going go to portal to earth...The shadow since powerful presence behind him and looked terrified.

It's was Brion since family had to sacrifice their life and the couldn't kill in 1,000 years. Brion revived everyone and granting the Jerriah god mode.The Shadow closed portal so they can stay in hell for so-called frightening him. Antho family appeared behind him started eating him up....except Brion was helping them with power. Brion " That old ass man was annoying...I miss you Rozelllllieeee" Rozel ran to Brion a kissed and said "Jake be prepared to have some siblings....Let's go find a hotel Brion" Brion was laughing and Rozel hold on "My beautiful baby boy Jake I'm so proud of you and stop killing innocent life forces my crash out son...thank you for making family of your own" Rozel book a hotel 5 min away and call Jake " Son stop cock blocking your mother"
Brion hug everyone before she leaves to see her lover Rozel. Jake begins to cry and become emotional as hell....Jake brought back everyone he killed and his family killed to make the world safer place.

The Butcher Demon Jake Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum