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"Just breathe normally, please," Rina instructed as she held the tunable diaphragm of her stethoscope to her patient's chest as she listened to their heart murmurs, instantly noticing the irregular heartbeats. Listening around a little more, she straightened herself back up so she could look at them. "You have cardiac dysrhythmia." She explained, "Your heartbeats are too fast, and I think that's what's causing your fainting. I'll prescribe you some medication, and we'll see if that helps. I'm hoping it will."

Rina smiled at the middle-aged woman as she pulled out her prescription pad as she decided what would be best for her. With a smile, she tore the sheet from the pad and held it out the the woman. "Thank you so much," she took it gratefully, bowing softly in her direction.

"Do you have any other questions?" Rina asks, eyeing the woman with her large cedar doe eyes.

"When should I come back?" the woman asks, seemingly agitated. Rina understood, she would probably be too if she had the same condition.

"If your symptoms go away, you should set up an appointment with your primary care physician. If they don't, and you feel your symptoms are still as strong, go to the emergency room," she explained, "You're not going to want to wait." After saying goodbye, Rina left the exam room, almost immediately bumping into Shan.

"Don't you ever go home?" Shan questioned, holding out a to-go coffee cup to her. Despite her question, she definitely expected to see the doctor here.

"Don't you ever go home?" Rina retorted, smirking as she took in the aroma of the hot coffee. It was true, though, she did constantly overwork herself by being here so often. It's not that she didn't like to go home and relax, but she felt wrong if she wasn't here doing something; helping people, saving lives, and motivating her peers.

"I'm pretty sure if I go home, this hospital will explode," Shan groaned as she sipped from her own cup of coffee.

"How do you figure?" One of the things Rina loved about her friend was that she was as dramatic as her, leaving their conversations and gossip extremely interesting and fulfilling.

"I don't know but I'm just not ready to find out," Shan looked around the hallway suspiciously, eyeing her subordinate nurses as they passed in the hallway, "Sometimes they just say things, and it makes me worry to leave this place in their hands." Rina let out a roaring laugh at her peculiar friend before she began walking away.

"Thank you for the coffee," she chuckled as she raised the cup. "I'm going to go grab some lunch from across the street. Please continue protecting the hospital from combustion with your presence."

As usual, Rina carried herself with enthusiasm as she walked down the halls, nodding at patients, visitors, nurses and other doctors in passing. Once she had her mind set on a huge lunch from the store across the road, she was in a much better mood. Despite her long hours, for some reason she never stopped to eat, or take care of herself really. Today, however, doing something for herself felt especially important.

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