"I want to marry this boy because I adore him and I can't imagine being with anyone else. He's also quite fit." I proposed to Tommy and he accepted giving me a quick kiss.

"I want to pie this boy because you said I was playing a game at the start and yesterday your actions were not correct." I pied Anton in the face. "Sorry babe."

"It's alright."

The boys went up next. Anton snogged Molly.

"Come at me with a ring I dare you." Belle said.

"It was like kissing my sister are you joking?"

"No. I don't accept."

"Put it on your finger. I want to marry you because...."

"I don't want to marry you...."

Chris went next and kissed Joanna, married Amber and pied Maura. Curtis kisses Fran, married Maura and pied Joanna. Jordan kissed Molly, married Amber and pied me.

"The pie life didn't choose me." Jordan said as he whacked it in my face. "Just a joke babe."

"Don't worry about it."

Michael then kissed Belle, married Joanna and pied Molly.

Tommy went next. "Come here Maura."

They shared a little peck before he got the ring out. "I want to marry you because you're stunning, you make me laugh everyday, and even though I do make mistakes I am learning more and more about you and our relationship all the time."

"I love you." I said and put on the ring. He finished it all off by pied Joanna.

Ovie kisses Joanna, married Amber and pied Molly.


Later that afternoon just before we were about to get changed Tommy got a text.

"Islanders get ready to leave the villa as you are off to party the night away at the Island Club"

"Yes!!!" All the boys shouted and jumped into the pool.

We really need a good night tonight because this villa has been so filled with drama. Please can we just solve all our problems and dance the night away.

I was drying my hair after my shower when Molly came in.

"So I was just speaking to Anton and he said he's done with Belle." She said.

"What He said that?" Belle asked. "If he wants to say that then he can make his bed and lie in it."

We all made our way to the club together once we'd all got changed and I had chosen a backless white dress for the occasion

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We all made our way to the club together once we'd all got changed and I had chosen a backless white dress for the occasion. Just showing a bit of side boob.

Once the nighttime had fell and everyone had got too tired of dancing that's when the drama began. First Anton and Belle had a near enough screaming match in-front of everyone.

Love Island 2019 🌴Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora