Part 17

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Amia was tired.She ran a full hour without stopping.

She was thirsty, hungry and sleepy.

She was slowly walking trying to catch her breath.

Then suddenly a river obstructed her.

It was too fast and too deep for her to try and swim it.

-My my, what do we have here?-

A vampire showed up from the dark forest behind her.

-A slave that ran away, good thing I caught you...-He laughed.

Ama now knew she had no chance to run.Vampires are fast runners-not fast as werewolves but somewhere close.

-You know, I'm also very hungry...and just hearing your blood run trough your veins...-He licked his lips and large fangs popped out.

-Don't come near me!-Amia screamed but it was too late.

 The vampire approached her and she stayed still because of the compulsion.

When he bit her a thing like euphoria began in her.Amia was numb, her powers were locked deep in side and she couldn't reach them, and then...

She loved the feeling like ecstasy that was running trough her body, but again a part of her brain was screaming to the vampire to stop it.

She passed out as the euphoria took over that tiny piece that was screaming to her to stop enjoying it.


-When was she brought here?-

-Last night...-

-What's that mark on her hand?-

-It's the royal stamp, she was the palace guard...-

-But he fed on her...-

-That's why he was killed today...I'm not complaining, he was the worst guard...-

-They are all bad...-

-Yeah but he was the worst...-

-So when are they coming for her?-

-They should be here in quite a bit...-

Amia heard all of those voices but she didn't dare to open her eyes.

First she was afraid that they'd find out how powerful she is, and second she was ashamed of how much she enjoyed the vampire venom.

Third her whole body was sore, it was like needles piercing every part of her skin.

A hand touched her arm and she screamed because the pain tripled.

-Hold her down!-Someone yelled and more hands started to hold her down.

-No!Let me go!-She opened her eyes send a powerful shield around her body.

-Shit!-A few girls were lying down on the floor and the rest were looking towards her keeping their distance.

The pain was still there but her powers kind of helped her with bearing with it.

-What the hell?-She heard a few girls whispering in that wide old white room.

The light was dim and Amia's eyes were hurting at how low the light was.

-Stay away from me...-She muttered trough her painful mouth.

-Where is she?-She heard a turmoil outside of the room.

-Follow me...-A soft voice said and a cute little vampire opened the massive door at the end of the room.

Palace guards entered the room and the little vampire showed them at Amia.-That's her-

-You're coming with us!-The guard tried approaching her but her shield reflected him.

-I'm not going anywhere!I want to be free!-Amia screamed at the guards.The pain was increasing the longer she held the shield.

The guard sensed that she was getting weaker so he backed off and let Amia ware her self out.

The moment her hands fell down they grabbed her and pushed her in to a small carriage.The pain soon left her but now she was even more exhausted.

The trip back to the palace reminded her of the first trip to the castle.

She wondered what had happened to that truck in which they were brought.

The trip back took a lot longer then usually.

The guards completely ignored Amia even when she begged them for a few drops of water.

They were all humans once, but it seemed as if they had forgotten all about it.

Then finally at twilight the reached the castle.

-Get out!-The guards ordered.

She slowly exited the carriage and started walking towards the castle.Every step she made was like she was walking on glass.

The golden door opened and The guards sent Amia down to dungeons.

Dehydrated, exhausted and starving Amia begged them again for some food and water.

-Don't waste our time wench!You don't need food and water, you're good as dead, you'll see when his Majesty comes down, he'll punish you from running away, you'll see.-

With those word the guards locked her up in the freezing cell and left her there in the darkness.

The only good part was that the pain was loosing up a bit with the coldness.

But Amia was broken.First time after arriving to America, she was afraid that she might actually die.

With quiet sobs she started crying, but only a few tears left her eyes since the her body was very dehydrated.

Uneasy and afraid she went to sleep not knowing if she'd wake up in the morning because of the cold temperature in the dungeons...


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