Part 12

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They arrived to the lake house and Kyra immediately jumped out of the carriage.

Amia followed her and was sad to notice there were guards here too.

-Master Liam, and master Niall, it a pleasure to see you again.-One of the housekeepers came to Liam and Niall.He saw Kyra and Amia and was really confused.-His Majesty did not come?-

-No, he sent us here to make sure they're safe...-Liam explained.

-Aah I see they will be taken care of...-

-We'd like to stay a bit outside if you don't mind?-Amia said with temptation.

Niall looked towards them and shook his head.-Straight to the lake house...-

-Come Amia let's explore a little...-Kyra said giving Niall a nasty look.

-You will walk straight in to that house if you don't want to get hurt slave!-Liam said stopping them.

-We're apprentice's...-

-A higher rank but still a move!-

Angry they entered the house and sat at the first sofa.

-Amia's the kings's favorite...-

-Well currently she's just the same as any other slave to us...don't make problems or you'll get yourself one, or two...-Liam looked a Niall.

They left the room and a couple of slaves walked in.

-Out!Go do whatever you want to do just don't enter this room! ...Out!-Kyra screamed at them

When they left Kyra turned to Amia.-Okay let's talk...what the hell do you think you're doing?-


-Don't you remember what mother and father told us...vampires are vicious creatures....-

-...and they will do everything tell everything just to get what they want...I remember Kyra...-Amia sighed, she missed home and New Zealand more than anything.

-Then what do you think you're doing with Zayn?!-

-I don't understand...-

-You're falling in love with him, I can feel it Amia!-

Amia shook her head.-You know what I feel better than me....but I could never love him truly you know that I mean he is a vampire...-

-Just be careful okay?He might be nice, until he gets what he wants...just don't trust easily...-

Amia shook her head not wanting to answer.

After some time she remembered what she wanted to do at this lake house.-Kyra!Can you teach me things Brianna teaches you?-

Kyra sighed.-I could give it a try but you know I'm not a good teacher...-

-Okay so first you have to feel the power inside you, I...I'll help you the first time like Brianna did with me...-

Kyra pressed her hand on Amia's left breast and started to spread her powers across Amia's body.

Amia was awkward since she didn't feel anything until she finally felt some tingling sensation near Kyra's hand.

-Aaaah!-Amia backed away as it got intense and spread all over her body.But it didn't stop when she moved.

-Just bare with it, you are stronger than me but it will be bearable after you activate it a few times.-

But Amia felt as her skin was burning all over her body.

-Amia?-Kyra asked as Amia started to moan and sat down on the floor.

She got closer and caught her floating hand.

-Aaaah!-Amia screamed as she got her first vision.

She thought her brain would melt and her eyes would pop out.

She watched herself on a masquerade in the palace.She was running from some one but a group of girls surrounded her.

Wherever she looked she saw the same peacock decorations on the black masks, and the same dark hood on every girl.The black lips moved as they all whispered in the same time "You're the one".

-Make it stop!-Amia plead as the pain was unbearable.

-Just imagine all that power to return to that one tiny place near your heart, whis it, want it, make it happen...-

-Aaaaaaaaaaaaah.-Finally Amia felt her powers slowly moving and she moaned as they finally his behind her heart.

-Amia look at me...-Kyra said lifting her sister's head.-Oooh this isn't good.-

-What what's wrong?-

-Your eyes they are purple, and that's and ancient sign that a witch is very powerful...-

-What does that mean?-

-It means every single supernatural on the world will want you, and if they can't have you they'll kill you...-

Vampire's slave (1D fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now