Part 15

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Hey guys I know this is really a late update but I have been studying and just trying to catch up with the lessons.


Anya walked trough the dark corridors until she reached the deepest and the coldest one.Without any light she hurried down the corridor.

It was freezing cold and very dark.She could barely see a finger in front of her.

-Cell 207, cell 208...-She whispered to herself.

She stopped at what she assumed was the cell number 216.

She moved her fingers over the the number and nodded to herself as she was right.

Anya took out a small key she had stolen earlier and shoved it into the lock.

She turned it once, twice and then opened the metal door.

A strong scent of vervain pierced her nostrils.

Anya quickly closed the door and crouched down to the person lying on the floor.

-Harry...-She whispered trembling since it was even colder in the cell.-Harry you have to wake up!-

He moaned but still his eyes didn't open.

-Shit, I'm wasting time...ugh!-She knew what her second option was and she was rather hesitant about doing it.

-C'mon Anya you can do it...-She grabbed the knife she had brought with herself and quickly made a small cut on her arm.

She opened Harry's mouth and squeezed some red drops in to his mouth.

He woke up deadbeat and hungry.

Sarah had been starving him for days and every night she'd come to this cell to get information from him. what are you doing here?-He asked when he saw Anya.

-I don't have much time, but I'll help you get out of here...-

-And why should I trust you?You're the reason I'm here!-

-I know, and I've made a mistake but please let me help you get out of here...-

-You've done enough I'll just wait here until she comes and kills me.-

-Harry please!I don't want...-

Harry looked at her and noticed that her hand was still bleeding a little from the cut she made.

-Why are you trying anyways?-

-Because...I've figured out that I hate her...-

-Well I'm to tired and exhausted that I can't move...-

-It's because of the vervain, I'll help you get out of here...-

She somehow managed to pull him out of the room and sat down next to him.

-Are you hungry?I've brought some animals, or do you prefer human blood more?-

-It depends are the animals still alive?-

Anya pulled out a mouse that squealed and somehow managed to bit her finger.She immediately let it go and it ran away in the darkness.

-Pretty much...-She said as her finger started to bleed.

Harry's eyes winded as he glazed over her dripping blood.

-Here...-She gave him her hand and he happily started to drink the blood from her finger.

And as they sat like that someone showed up shining light over them.


Short, yes but it's just because I hurried to get it done today ;)

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