Part 6

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The palace was built on the very edge of the cliff.The kings's balcony was facing that direction.

There was almost  200 meters fall.

Amia screamed the whole time while falling down.


*Unknown POV*

I walked slowly trough the woods.My feet left no trace on the light ground.The animals did not fear me, well at least some of them.

I sensed a peculiar smell.It did not belong to an animal.It was a human smell.

I slowly traced it and found an unconscious man about 20 years old with blonde hair.He was muscular and quite handsome.Many slave girls would have liked him.

I slowly shook him but he didn't wake up.

I looked at his wounds.There were a few cuts and bruises but nothing bigger.There was no name tag, nothing that would confirm he was a slave.

-So you're from New Zealand.-I whispered and grinned as I saw how he frowned when he heard that name.

So he was asleep, not unconscious.

I shook him harder and he finally opened his eyes.

They glazed in fear as he figured out that I was a vampire.

 -You're not a slave...-I said.

-But you are a vampire.-He said calmly.

I ignored him.

-How come you weren't captured?-I asked him.

-I was but I escaped.-He said slowly picking his words.Probably afraid that if he gets me angry I'll kill him.

Well he was far from that.I had no intentions in killing him.Not that I would let him know that of course.

Just as I wanted to ask him another question we heard a scream that froze our hearts.

-Stay here.-My voice echoed trough the forest.

I quickly ran to the bottom of the cliff and looked around.

There was no body here.

Just as I was going to give up I heard the scream again above my head.

I looked up and saw a silhouette falling down.

In just a few seconds she would hit the ground and her screams would perish.

There was no way I would let a thing like that to happen.

Using what was left of my vampire powers I jumped and caught the falling girl.She was barley 18 but I couldn't tell so good in the night.

Her head hit my elbow and she passed out.She was still breathing so I didn't worry to much.

I carefully carried her trough the woods trying to find that boy.

-There you are.-I said when I finally found him.-I told you not to move.-

But he didn't look at me.He looked at the poor girl I was holding.

-Amia...-He whispered and then glared at me.-What did you do to her?-

-I saved her life, she fell down from the castle...yes here's the name tag she a slave there.-I showed him the golden bracelet.Only harem slaves have the golden bracelet name tags.-Do you know her?-

The boy nodded.-She mostly the reason why I came here...-

I nodded.-Let's go, I have a little cottage in the woods, you two will be safe there...-

Although I knew I had to take her back to the castle I still wanted to see how will she react when she sees this boy next to her.

-You didn't tell me your name...-I added as we walked trough the woods.

-It's Jacob, but you can call me Jake...what's your name.-

-Oh my name is Louis.-I smiled.


Amia woke up in an old cottage.The only thing she remembered is falling down to the chasm.

The worst part was she was lying in a bed and she wasn't alone.

Just as she was going to scream, Amia  recognized that blonde hair.That was the only similarity he had with Tyler.

-Jake!-She yelled and hugged him.

-Amia, you're awake!-He smiled.

-Where are we?-

-In a cottage...of a vampire...-


-He was kind enough to let us stay the night....-

Amia nodded.-Where is he?-

-Outside I think...-

She nodded and then slowly got out of the bed.

She heard a sharp sigh when she did that, so Amia slowly turned around.


-You're clothes they reveal too much...-

-I know...-

Amia opened the door and left the cottage.

It didn't take her long enough to find the vampire who saved her life.

She remembered his red eyes just before she blacked out.

-Ah you're awake.-He smiled.

-Yeah...I wanted to say thank you for saving my life...-

-No need to do so, it's my duty anyway.-

Amia didn't question him.She just calmly nodded.

-Anyway you'll be leaving in a few moments so...-


-Yes you're going back to the palace.-

-No I can't...-

-You must...-

Amia heard Zayn's voice behind her.She was too afraid to look at him.She was sure that blonde vampire made up the story of her trying to kill herself...

If so then she would be severely punished...


So I don't usually write in POV's but occasionally just for fun I will write a POV for a new character

Vampire's slave (1D fanfic) [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu